Mind you, I am not saying that most of a person’s world-view is mistaken; not at all. If that were the case, the person would not survive. If you consider the world-view of a primitive “savage,” it is composed of a functioning realism and superstition. Superstition is the result of filling the mental vacuum with beliefs which transcends experience.
Now, combine the idea that everyone has a world-view and the fact that a particular person, such as Jordan Peterson, is in fact very knowledgeable in some field of knowledge, and with the fact that this person has achieved some kind of fame. The result will be what Ortega-y-Gasset calls the “mass man.” He is a scientist who knows his field, and because of this, claims (without warrant) to be knowledgeable in other fields as well.
As Richard Wolff has pointed out, Jordan Peterson is a psychologist, but he is neither an economist nor someone who knows Marxism. Yet, because he has achieved a great amount of internet recognition, has a sense of privilege to express irresponsible bullshit.
His argument against Marxism — and I am not exaggerating — is this:
Stalin was evil.
Stalin was a Marxist.
Therfore, Marxism is evil.
This is an invalid — even a silly argument. It has the same form as:
Stalin was evil.
Stalin was a man.
Therefore, men are evil.
Stalin was evil.
Stalin was a vegetarian.
Therefore, vegetarians are evil.
Listening to Peterson, it is clear to me that he is blurting out stuff about Marxism from the windmills of his mind.
Below are three videos. The first two compare what Peterson says about Marxism with what Noam Chomsky says. [Incidentally, it is always wise to check what Chomsky has to say.] The third is a response by Richard Wolff to Peterson. [Richard Wolff is a self-proclaimed Marxist economist.]