Historical Bullshit
History is normally written from the point of view of the winners and rulers. But in this business of winning and ruling, many people are killed and impoverished. Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States [also here] examines history from the perspective of the losers and ordinary people — the workers. Also: Chris Harman, A People’s History of the World, 1999, 2008.
Frances FitzGerald, America Revised: History School Books in Twentieth Century (1979)
James W. Loewen, Lies My Teacher Told Me, 1995, 2007.
Our Enemy, the State
Franz Oppenheimer, The State, 1914.
Charles H. Hamilton, Introduction to Franz Oppenheimer, The State, 1975.
Albert Jay Nock, Our Enemy, the State, 1935.
Bullshit in Education
Education Is a System of Indoctrination of the Young – Noam Chomsky
Beware of the Handmaid Scorned
Norman Finkelstein, DePaul, and U.S. Academia: Reduction Ad Absurdum of Centralized Universities
In 1999, I came to Chicago to create and manage the site “In Search of the Real University of Chicago.” It no longer exists, but it can be accessed via the Wayback machine: click here.
Martin Gardner, Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science.
Bullshit masquerading as science = Pseudoscience
Representative Democracy is not Democracy
Bullshit News
Harry Frankfurt “On Bullshit”
Harry Frankfurt, On Bullshit
Defining Bullshit: A philosophy professor says it’s a process, not a product. By Timothy Noah