Richard B. Morris, Government and Labor in Early America, 1946.


AP.C., Col., Acts of the Privy Council of England, Colonial Series (Rolls Series), edited by W. L. Grant and James Munro (6 vols., 1613-1783; Hereford, England, 1908-12)
Assistants Records of the Court of Assistants of Massachusetts Bay (3 vols., Boston, 1901-28), I, 1673-92; II, 1630-44; III, 1642-73
C.C.Common Council
C.O.Colonial Office Papers, Public Record Office, London
Co.County; Company (in Virginia only)
C.P.Common Pleas
CSPACalendar of State Papers, Colonial Series; America and West Indies (Rolls Series, London, i860-)
EssexRecords and Files of Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts, 1638-83 (8 vols., Salem, 1911-21)
G.S. General Sessions
Hening W. W. Hening, comp., The Statutes-at-Large, Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia (1619-1792; 13 vols., Philadelphia and New York, 1823)
HMC, Rep.Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, Reports, and other publications (London, 1874-)
M.C.C.Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New Yor\, 1675-1776 (8 vols., New York, 1905)
N.Y.M.C.M. Minutes of the Mayor's Court of New York City
O.B.Order Book
Q.S. Quarter Sessions
R.N.A.Records of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens of New Amsterdam, 1653-74, edited by H. B. Dawson (Morrisania, N.Y., 1867)
Suffolk"Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Court Records, 1671-80," edited by Z. Chafee and S. E. Morison, Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Publications, XXIX, XXX
VMHVirginia Magazine of History and Biography (1893-)
WMCQWilliam and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine (1st Ser., I-XXVII, 1892-1919; 2d Ser.; I-X, 1921-1943; 3d Ser., I-, 1944-)