VANCE BIBLIOGRAPHIES Pub. Admin. Series: Bibliography #P 902
Robert Goehlert
Claire Herczeg
- General Studies on Anarchism 2
- History of Anarchism .4
- Philosophy of Anarchism 7
- Socialism and Anarchism .17
- Anarchism and Non-Violence 20
- Anarchism and The State 20
- Anarchism and Education 22
- Anarchism and the Economy 22
- Anarchism and the Environment 23
- Anarchism and Art 24
- Anarchism in Practice 28
- Syndicalism and Workers' Control 30
- France 37
- Germany 39
- Italy 41
- Latin America 42
- Russia 43
- Spain 46
- United States 48
- Anti-Anarchist Laws 54
- Haymarket Affair 57
- Labor Movement 60
- Sacco and Vanzetti 61
- Other Countries 62
- General Anarchists 64
- American Anarchists 71
- Emma Goldman 71
- Paul Goodman 74
- Benjamin Tucker 76
- Josiah Warren 79
- European Anarchists 82
- Michael Bakunin 82
- William Godwin 88
- Peter Kropotkin 93
- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon 97
- Max Stirner 106
- Author Index 111
General Studies on Anarchism
1. Ballard, George P. The Anarchist Revolution. London: Freedom Press, 1920.
2. __________. Objections to Anarchism. London: Freedom Press, 1921.
3. Berman, Paul, ed. Quotations of the Anarchists. New York: Praeger, 1972.
4. C.W. "Adventure Playground: A Parable of Anarchy." Anarchy. 7, September 1961, pp. 193-201.
5. Dillon, Michael R. "The Perennial Appeal of Anarchism." Polity. 7, Winter 1974, pp. 234-37.
6. Brinnon, Riohard. "Neither God Nor Master." Anarchy. 109, March 1970, pp. 65-67.
7. __________. "Back to the Future." Anarchy. III, August 1970, pp. 241-45.
8. Duberman, Martin B. "Anarchism Left and Right." Partisan Review. 33, Fall 1966, pp. 610-15.
9. Dubois, Felix. The Anarchist Peril. London: T.F. Unwin, 1894.
10. Eltzbacher, Paul. Anarchism: Exponents of the Anarchist Philosophy. Translated by Steven Byington. Edited by James J. Martin. New York: Libertarian Book Club, 1960.
11. Fleming, Antony. "The Machinery of Conformity." Anarchy. 94, December 1968, pp. 353-64.
12. Gibson, Tony. "The Anarchist Personality." Anarchy. 12, February 1962, pp. 35-49.
13. __________. "Anarchism and Crime." Anarchy. 57, November 1965, pp. 328-330.
14. Graham, M., ed. 'Man!': An Anthology of Anarchist Ideas, Essays, Poetry and Commentaries. London: Cienfuegos Press, 1974.
15. Holgate, Philip. "The Future of Anarchism." Anarchy. 28, June 1963, pp. 171-73.
16. Kavanagh, Ted. "The Future of Anarchism." Anarchy. 28, June 1963, pp. 173-74.
17. Krimerman, Leonard and Lewis Perry, eds. Patterns of Anarchy; Collection of Writings on the Anarchist Tradition. Garden City, NY; Anchor, 1966.
18. Langguth, Gerd. Die Protestbewegung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland; 1968-1976. Koeln: Verlag Wissenschaft u. Politik, 1976.
19. McClelland, Hardin T. "Anarchy and Aspiration." Open Court. 36, December 1922, pp. 753-60.
20. Morley, Lawrence. The Progressive Anarchist. Wakefield: Onex Publications, 1971.
21. Moyse, Arthur. "The Mirror of Illusion." Anarchy. 91 , September 1968, pp. 258-68.
22. Nelson, Jack L., Kenneth Carlson and Thomas E. Linton. Radical Ideas and Schools. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972.
23. Nettlau, Max. Anarchisten und Sozialrevolutionaere: Die Eistorische Entwicklung des Anarchismus in den Jahren 1880-1886. Berlin: 1931.
24. __________. Geschichte der Anarchie. Glashuetten im Taunus: B. Auvermann, 1972.
25. Newton, Lisa Perkins. "Dimensions of a Right Revolution." Journal; of Value Inquiry. 7, Spring 1973, pp. 17-28.
26. Novak, D. "Anarchism and Individual Terrorism." Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science. 20., May 1954, pp. 176-84.
27. Passmore, John. "Second Thoughts on a Paradise Lost." Encounter. 43, August 1974, pp. 46-48.
28. Roberts, Adam. "The Uncertain Anarchists." New Society. 5, 27 May 1965, pp. 16-18.
29. Rothbard, Murray and Karl Hess, eds. Libertarian Forum, 1969-1971. New York: Arno, 1971.
30. Shatz, Marshall, ed. The Essential Works of Anarchism. New York; Bantam, 1971.
31. Simonson, Richard. "Anarchy is Revolution." Anarchy. III, May 1970, pp. 143-45.
32. Stuart, Ian. "Anarchism and Crime." Anarchy. 32, October 1963, pp. 297-307.
33. Walter, Nicolas. "Anarchism." Listener. 79, 22 February 1968, pp. 232-35.
34. Ward, Colin. "The Future of Anarchism." Anarchy. 28, June 1963, pp. 175-76.
35. __________. "Where the Shoe Pinches." Anarchy. 4, June 1961, pp. 97-117.
36. Wenley, Robert. The Anarchist Ideal and Other Essays. Boston: R.G. Badger, 1913.
37. Widmer, K. "Anarchism in Revival." Nation. 21, 16 November 1970, pp. 501-3.
38. Woodcock, George, ed. The Anarchist Reader. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1977.
39. __________. Anarchy or Chaos. London: Freedom Press, 1944.
40. Woodworth, Fred. "Anarchism." In Reinventing Anarchy. Howard J, Ehrlich, et al., eds. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul,.1979, pp. 29-4l.
History of Anarchism
41. Allen, B. Sprague. "Minor Disciples of Radicalism in the Revolutionary Era." Modern Philology. 21, February 1924, pp. 277-301.
42. "Anarchism: The Idea and the Deed." Times Literary Supplement. 3278, 24 December 1964, pp. 1153-54.
43. Apter, David and James Joll, eds. Anarchism Today. London: Methuen, 1971.
44. Berneri, Marie Louise. Journey Through Utopia. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1950.
45. Bose, Atindranath. A History of Anarchism. Calcutta: World Press, 1967.
46. Burrow, J.W. "Anarchists (Who Are With Us Again)." Horizon. 11, Summer 1969, pp. 32ā"^3-
47. Catlin, George. "Individualists and Anarchists." In The Story of the Political Philosophers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1939, pp. 405-31.
48. Christie, Stuart and Albert Meltzer. Floodgates of Anarchy. London: Kahn and Averill, 1969.
49. Cohn, Norman. The Pursuit of the Millennium. London: Seeker and Warburg, 1957 .
50. Comfort, Alex, "latterday Anarchism." Center Magazine. 6, September/October 1973, pp. 4-8.
51. Coy, Peter E.B. "Social Anarchism: An Atavistic Ideology of the Peasant." Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs. l4, May 1972, pp. 133-49.
52. Crawford, K. "Desperate Romantics." Newsweek. 76, 14 September 1970, p. 46.
53. Douty, H.M. "The Word and the Deed - Anarchism Revisited." Monthly Labor Review. 89, January 1966, pp. 15-18.
54. Duberman, Martin. "Anarchism, Left and Right." Partisan Review. 33, Fall 1966, pp. 610-15.
55. Fishman, William. Jewish Radicals, From Czarist Stetl to London Ghetto. New York: Pantheon, 1976.
56. Gombin, Richard. The Origins of Modem Leftism. Baltimore: Pelican, 1975.
57. Guerin, Daniel, ed. Ni Dieu Maitre: Anthologie Historique du Mouvement Anarchiste. Paris: Edition de Delphes, 1965.
58. Hobsbawm, Eric. Primitive Rebels. New York: W.W. Norton, 1965.
59. __________. Revolutionaries: Contemporary Essays. New York: Pantheon, 1973.
60. Hoffman, Robert, comp. Anarchism. New York: Athertoh Press, 1970.
61. Horowitz, Irving. "A Postscript to the Anarchists." Anarchy. 50, April 1965, pp. 110-25.
62. __________. ed. The Anarchists. New York: Dell Publishing Company, 1964.
63. Iviansky, Z. "Individual Terror: Concept and Typology." Journal of Contemporary History. 12, January 1977, pp. 43-63.
64. Jaher, Frederic Cople. Doubters and Dissenters. Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press, 1964.
65. Johns, Patricke. "The Anarchist Movement in the Nineteenth Century." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1946.
66. Joll, James. "Anarchism: A Living Tradition." Government and Opposition. Autumn 1970, pp. 541-54.
67. __________. The Anarchists. New York: Grosset's Universal Library, 1964.
68. __________. "Singing, Dancing and Dynamite." Times Literary Supplement. 3887, 10, September 1976, pp. 1092-93.
69. Kedward, Harry B. The Anarchists: The Men Who Shocked an Era. London: BPC Unit 75, 1971.
70. Lagueur, Walter. "Visionaries." Spectator. 213, 30 October 1964, pp. 577-78.
71. Longoni, J.C. Four Patients of Br. Deibler. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1970.
72. Maddock, Kenneth. "Primitive Societies and Social Myths." Anarchy. 24, February 1963, pp. 45-55.
73. Molnar, George. "The Anarchist Past 2." Anarchy. 28, June 1963, pp. 166-70.
74. Nomad, Max. Apostles of Bevolution. New York: Crowell, Collier and Macmillan, I96I.
75. __________. Aspects of Revolt. New York: Burns and MacEachern, 1959.
76. __________. Dreamers, Dynamiteurs and Demagogues. New York: Waldon Press, 1964.
77. __________. Political Heretics. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1963.
78. __________. Rebels and Renegades. New York: Macmillan, 1956.
79. Pamies, Teresa. Romanticismo Militante. Barcelona: Galba Edicions, 1976.
80. Pascal, Felicien. "Du Remantisme a l'anarchie." Le Correspondant. 225, November 1906, pp. 752-780.
81. Perlin, Terry, ed. Contemporary Anarchism. Rutgers, NJ: Transaction Books, 1978.
82. Ritter, Alan. "Anarchism and Liberal Theory in the Nineteenth Century." Bucknell Review. 19, Fall 1971, pp. 37-67.
83. Rooke, Margaret A. Anarchy and Apathy: Student Unrest 1968-1970. London: Hamilton, 1971.
84. Sale, Kirkpatrick. SDS. New York: Random House, 1973.
85. Schaaf, Michael. Cooperatives at the Crossroads. Washington: Exploratory Project for Economic Alternatives, 1977.
86. Schwarz, Frederick C. The Three Faces of Revolution. Washington Hill Press, 1972.
87. Shapiro, Karl J. "On the Revival of Anarchism." Liberation. 5, February 1961, pp. 5-8.
88. Sprading, Charles T., ed. Liberty and the Great Libertarians. Los Angeles, 1913.
89. Suskind, Richard. By Bullet, Bomb and Dagger: The Story of Anarchism. New York: Macmillan, 1971.
90. Talmon, J.L. Political Mesaianism: The Romantic Phase. London: Seeker and Warburg, 1960.
91. Tuchman, Barbara W. "The Anarchists." Atlantic Monthly. 211, May 1963, pp. 91-110.
92. Vizetelly, Ernest A. The Anarchists: Their Faith and Their Record. New York: John Lane Co., 1911.
93. Weiner, Sam and H.W. Morton. "Were They Way Cut, Way Back?" Anarchy. 19, September 1962, pp. 280-84.
94. Weisbord, Albert. The Conquest of Power: Liberalism, Anarchism, Syndicalism, Socialism, Fascism and Communism. New York: Covici-Friede, 1937.
95. Woodcock, George. Anarohism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements. New York: World Publishing Co., 1962.
96. __________. "Anarchism Revisited," Commentary. 46, August 1968, pp. 54-60.
97. __________. New Life to the Land. London: Freedom Press, 1942.
Philosophy of Anarchism
99. Ackelsberg, Martha Am. "The Possibility of Anarchism: The Theory and Practice on Non-Authoritarian Organization." Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University, 1976.
100. Albon, Alan. "Anarchism and the Heeds of Men." Anarchy. 76, June 1967, pp. 190-192.
101. Apter, Bavid E. "The Old Anarchism and the News Some Comments." Government and Opposition. 5, Autumn 1970, pp. 397-409.
102. Aruon, Henri. L'Anarchisme. Paris: 1951.
103. Baldelli, Giovanni. Social Anarchism. Chicago; Aldine Press, 1971.
104. Ballestrem, Karl G. "Radicalism of Robert Paul Wolff." Review of Politics. 34, January 1972, pp. 16-39.
105. Barnett, Randy E. "Whither Anarchy? Has Robert Nozick Justified the State." Journal of Libertarian Studies. 1, Winter 1977, pp. 15-21.
106. Bater, Stanley. "Authority and Autonomy." Journal of Philosophy. 69, April 1972, pp. 175-76.
107. Bayles, Michael B. "In Befense of Authority." Personalist. 52, Autumn 1971, pp. 755-759.
108. Bennis, Warren G. and Philip E. Slater. The Temporary Society. New York: Harper and Row, 1968.
109. Berneri, Marie Louise. "Sexuality and Freedom." Anarchy. 105, November 1969, pp. 334-42.
110. Boochin, Murray. "On Spontaneity and Organization." Liberation. 16, March 1972, pp. 5-17.
111. Buchanan, James M. "A Contractarian Perspective on Anarchy." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John V/. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 29-42.
112. Campbell, Jeffrey, Joan Badz, and Albert Ellis. "The Authentic Man: A Symposium." Humanist. 30, January-February 1970, pp. 19-26.
113. Carter, April. Direct Action and Liberal Democracy. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973.
114. __________. The Political Theory of Anarchism. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971.
115. Chomsky, Noam. "Notes on Anarchism." In Reasons of State. New York: Pantheon, 1973, pp. 370-86.
116. __________. "Notes on Anarchism." New York Review of Books. 14, 21 May 1970, pp. 31-35.
117. __________. "What is Anarchism?" Our Generation. 8, April 1972, pp. 58-70.
118. Clark, John P. "What is Anarchism?" In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 3-28.
119. Coker, Francis W. "The Anarchists" In Recent Political Thought. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1934, pp. 192-228.
120. Condon, Penny. "On Anarchy and Freedom." Anarchy. 107, January 1970, pp. 26-77.
121. Crosby, Peter. "The Utopia of Competition." Personalist. 52, Spring 1971, pp. 379-411.
122. Davidson, James D. "Note on Anarchy, State and Utopia." Journal of Libertarian Studies. 1, Fall 1977, pp. 341-348.
123. Davies, Penny. "Jurisprudence: The Jurists' Game." Anarchy. 57, November 1965, pp. 321-27.
124. DeGeorge, Richard T. "Anarchism and Authority." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 91-110.
125. Diaz, Carlos. "Libertad y Demopedia Anarquista." Pensamiento. 28, October-December 1972, pp. 431-44.
126. __________. "El Anarquismo, Filosofia Politica del "Apoyo Mutuo'." Pensamiento. 28, April-June 1972, pp. 193-205.
127. Dolgoff, Sam. "The Relevance of Anarchy to Modern Society." Libertarian Analysis. 4, 1971, pp. 5-21.
128. Duberman, Martin. "The Relevance of Anarchy." In The Uncompleted Past. New York: Random House, 1969, pp. 151-61.
129. Ehrlich, Howard J., et al., ed. Reinventing Anarchy: What Are the Anarchists Thinking These Days. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979.
130. Ellerby, John. "Anarchism and Social Control." Anarchy. 32, October 1963, pp. 319-25.
131. Ellington, Francis. "Anarchism, Society, and the Socialized Mind." Anarchy. 63, May 1966, pp. 152-160.
132. Falk, Richard A. "Anarchism and World Order." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 63-87.
133. Ferraro, B. "Anarchism in Greek Philosophy. Anarchy. 45, November 1964, pp. 321-25.
134. Fielding, Karl T. "The Role of Personal Justice in Anarcho-Capitalism." Journal of Libertarian Studies. 2, Fall 1978, pp. 239-41.
135. Fishman, W.J. "Anarchism." In A Glossary of Political Ideas. Edited by Maurice Cranston and Sanford Lakoff. New York: Basic Books, 1969, pp. 3-6.
136. Fleming, Antony. "Anarchism and Revolution." Anarchy. 106, December 1969, pp. 360-76.
137. Forman, James D. Anarchisms Political Innocence of Social Violence. New York: F. Watts, 1975.
138. Fowler, R.B. "The Anarchist Tradition of Political Thought." Western Political Quarterly. 25, December 1972, pp. 738-52.
139. Franzen, Don. "Reply to Peter Crosby's 'Utopia of Competition'." Personalist. 52, Spring 1971, pp. 385-93.
140. Fredericks, Shirley F. "A Proposal for Freedom." Anarchy. 3, 1971, pp. 21-25.
141. Freeman, David Allan. "Anarchy Revisited: Two Schools of Thought." Ph.D. dissertation, Claremont Graduate School, 1976.
142. Friedrich, Carl Joachim. "La Crise de l'Egalitarisme." Revue Internationale de Philosophie. 25, 1971, pp. 259-71.
143. Gellner, E. "Beyond Truth and Falsehood." British Journal of Philosophy. 26, December 1975, pp. 331-42.
144. Goldman, Alan Harris. "Taylor on Wolff, Political Obligation and the Justification of the State." Personalist. 55, Spring 1974, pp. 192-99.
145. Grave, Jean. Moribund Society and Anarchism. Translated by Voltairine DeCleyre. San Francisco, CA: A. Isaak, 1899.
146. Green, Bob. "The Ethics of Anarchism." Anarchy. 16, June 1962, pp. 161-71.
147. Guerin, Daniel. "Spontaneite, Organization et Anarchisme." Praxis. 8, 1972, pp. 180-95.
148. Guerin, Daniel. Anarchism: Prom Theory to Practice. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1970.
149. Hacker, Andrew. "Anarchism." In International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Edited by David L. Sills. New York: Crew ell Collier and Macmillan, 1968, I, pp. 283-85.
150. Hamon, Augustin P. Psychologie de l'anarchiste-Socialiste. Paris: P.V. Stock, 1895.
151. Hedmaii, Carl G. "An Anarchist's Reply to Skinner on 'Weak Methods of Control." Inquiry. 17, Spring 1974, pp. 105-11.
152. Hewetson, John. "Mutual and Social Evolution." Anarchy. 55, September 1965, pp. 257-70.
153. Hewitt, Gerald Wittmer. "Revolution, Tradition, and Order: the Nineteenth-Century Anarchist Experience." Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1977.
154. Hicken, Victor. The World is Coming to an End! New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1975.
155. Holmes, Robert L. "Nozick on Anarchism." Political Theory. 5, May 1977, pp. 247-56.
156. Horowitz, Irving L. Radicalism and the Revolt Against Reason. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1961.
157. __________. "The Theory of Anarchism." In Political Ideologies. Edited by James Gould and Willis Truitt. New York: Macmillan, 1973, pp. 437-8.
158. Hospers,, John. Libertarianism: A Political Philosophy for Tomorrow. Los Angeles, CA: Nash Publishers, 1971.
159. Howkins, John. "What is Anarchism and is it a Tenable Doctrine?" Anarchy. 96, February 1969, pp. 38-45.
160. loan, Bowen Rees. Government by Community. London: Charles Knight, 1971.
161. Jaszi, Oscar. "Anarchism." In Encyclopedia of Social Sciences. Edited by Edwin R,A. Seligman. New York: Macmillan, 1930, II, pp. 46-53.
162. Judson, Howard Harold. "The Concept of Freedom in Anarchist Thought." Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1977.
163. Kent, Edward. "Comment on Professor Bowie's Paper," Idealistic Studies. 4, May 1974, pp. 156-59.
164. Laszlo, Ervin. "A Moralizing Note to Professor Wolff's Reply." Journal of Value Inquiry. 7, Winter 1973, PP, 307-8.
165. Latouche, Peter. Anarchy: An Authentic Exposition of the Methods of Anarchists and the Aims of Anarchism. London: 1908.
166. Lehning, Arthur. "Anarchism." In Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas. Edited by Philip R. Wiener. New York: Scribner's, 1973, pp. 70-76.
167. Levinas, Emmanuel. "Humanisme et An-archie." Revue Internationale de Philosophies 22, 1968, pp. 323-37.
168. Liggio, Leonard P. "Anarchism - From Theory to Practice." Liberated Guardian. 1, 14 July 1970, pp. 13,16.
169. Litan, Robert E, "On Rectification in Nozick's Minimal State." Political Theory. 5, May 1977, pp. 233-46.
170. Loesche, Peter. "Anarchismus - Versuch Einer Definition und Historischen Typologie." Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 15, March 1974, pp. 53-73.
171. Mack, Eric. "Nozick's Anarchism." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 43-62.
172. Malato, Charles. Philosophie de l'Anarchie (1888-I897). 2nd ed., Paris: P.V. Stock, 1897.
173. Marie, Pierre-Antoine. "Desir et Societe." Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale. 77, October-December 1972, pp. 508-25.
174. Martin, Rex. "Anarchism and Skepticism." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 115-29.
175. __________. "Wolff's Defense of Philosophical Anarchism." Philosophical Quarterly. 24, April 1974, pp. 140-49.
176. Mazor, Lester J. "Disrespect for the Law." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 143-59.
177. Mcintosh, Donald. "The Dimensions of Anarchy." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman, New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 239-72.
178. Menzel, P.T. "Wolff's Critics: Confusing the Confusing." Persona list. 57, Summer 1976, pp. 308-21;.
179. Molnar, George. "Conflicting Strains in Anarchist Thought. " Anarchy, 4, June 1961, pp. 117-27.
180. __________. "Meliorism." Anarchy. 85, March 1968, pp. 76-83.
181. Munch, P.A. "Anarchy and Anomie in an Atomized Community." Man. 9, June 1974, pp. 243-61.
182. Newton, Lisa. "The Profoundest Respect for Law: Mazor's Anarchy and the Political Association." In Anarchy. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 160-66.
183. Novack, D. "The Place of Anarchism in the History of Political Thought." Review of Politics. 20, July 1958, pp. 307-29.
184. Nozick, Robert. Anarchy, State and Utopia. New York: Basic Books, 1974.
135. Otter, Laurens. "Determinism and Utopianism in the Anarchist Tradition." Anarchy. 68, October 1966, pp. 305-18.
186. Parsons, Albert R. Anarchism: Its Philosophical and Scientific Basis;. Chicago: A.R. Parsons, I887.
187. Paul, Jeffrey P. "Nozick, Anarchism and Procedural Rights." Journal of Libertarian Studies. 1, Pall 1977, pp. 337-40.
188. Pennock, J. Roland and John W. Chapman, eds. Anarchism. New York: New York University Press, 1978.
189. Peperzak, A.T. "Freedom." International Philosophical Quarterly. 11, September 1971, pp. 341-61.
190. Perkins, Richard and Ernestine Perkins. Preconditions for Peace and Prosperity. St. Thomas, Ontario: The Authors,.1971.
191. Peterson, Cheryl Jean. "Philosophical Anarchism: A Comparative Study of American and European Theory." Ph.D. , dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1960.
192. Plattner, M.P. "New Political Theory." Public Interest. 40, Summer 1975, pp. 119-28.
193. Pritcfcard, Michael 3. "Wolff's Anarchism." Journal of Value Inquiry. 7, Winter 1973, pp. 296-302.
194. Read, Herbert. Th Philosophy of Anarchism. London: Freedom Press, 194l.
195. Reichert, William 0. "Anarchism, Freedom and Power." Ethics. 79, January 1969, pp. 139-49.
196. __________. "Anarchismus und Politische Wissenschaft." Dokumente der Weltrevolution. 4, 1972, pp. 422-33 .
197. __________. "Toward a New Understanding of Anarchism." Western Political Quarterly. 20, December 1967, pp. 856-65.
198. Reiman, Jeffrey H. "Anarchism and Nominalism: Wolff's Latest Obituary for Political Philosophy." Ethics. 89, October 1978, pp. 95-110.
199. __________. In Defense of Political Philosophy: A Reply to Robert Paul Wolff's on Defense of Anarchism. New York: Harper and Row, 1972.
200. Resnick, Philip. "Political Theory of Extraparliamentarism." Canadian Journal of Political Science. 6, March 1973, pp. 65-88.
201. Reszler, A. "Essay on Political Myths: Anarchist Myths of Revolt." Diogenes. 94, Summer 1976, pp. 34-52.
202. Riley, Patrick. "On the 'Kantian' Foundations of Robert Paul Wolff's Anarchism." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 294-319*
203. Hitter, Alan. "The Anarchist Justification of Authority." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 130-40.
204. Rollins, Louis A. "Reply to C.J. Wheeler." Personalist. 52, Spring 1971, pp. 400-411.
205. Rothbard, Murray N. Conceived in Liberty. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1975.
206. __________. Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays. Washington: Libertarian Review Press, 1974.
207. __________. For a New Liberty. New York: Macmillan, 1973.
208. __________. "Robert Nozick and the Immaculate Conception of the State". Journal of Libertarian Studies. 1, Winter 1977, pp. 45-58.
209. Runkle, Gerald. Anarchism: Old and New. New York: Belacorte, 1972.
210. Sampson, Ronald V. "Power, the Enshrined Heresy." Nation. 212, 4 January 1971, pp. 14-20.
211. Samuels, Warren J. "Anarchism and the Theory of Power." In Purther Explorations in the Theory of Anarchism. Edited by Gordon Tullock. Blackaburg, VA: University Publications, 1974, pp. 33-58.
212. Sargent, Lyman T. New Left Thought: An Introduction. Homewood, IL: The Dorsey Press, 1972.
213. Schiller, Marvin. "Anarchism and Autonomy." Bucknell Review. 21, 1973, pp. 47-59.
214. Schure, Edouard. "L'Individualisme et l'Anarchie." Revue des deux Mondes. 132, 15 August 1895, pp. 775-805.
215. Schwartz, Edward. Will the Revolution Succeed? London: Criterion Books, 1972.
216. Shatz, Marshall, comp. The Essential Works of Anarchism. New York: Bantam Books, 1971.
217. Small, Martin. "Athenian Democracy." Anarchy. 45, November 1964, pp. 329-45.
218. Smith, Malcolm B.E. "Wolff's Argument for Anarchism." Journal of Value Inquiry. 7, Winter 1973, pp. 290-95.
219. Sobers, David. "Wolff's Logical Anarchism." Ethics. 82, January 1972, pp. 173-76.
220. Stewart, Donald. "A Pseudo-Anarchist Belatedly Replies to R.P. Wolff." Journal of Criterion Analysis. 4, July 1972, pp. 51-61.
221. Stone, Christopher D. "Some Reflections on Arbitrating Our Way to Anarchy." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 208-14.
222. Straus, Reed. "The Anarchist Argument: An Analysis of Three Justification of Anarchism." Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1973.
223. Tassi, A. "Anarchism, Autonomy, and the Concept of the Common Good." International Philosophical Quarterly. 17, September 1977, pp. 273-83.
224. Taylor, Michael. Anarchy and Cooperation. New York: Wiley, 1976.
225. Tuccille, Jerome. Radical Libertarianism. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1970.
226. Tullock, Gordon. "Corruption and Anarchy." In his Further Explorations in the Theory of Anarchy. Blacksburg, VA: University Publications, 1974, pp. 65-70.
227. __________. ed. Explorations in the Theory of Anarchy. Blacksburg, VA: Center for the Study of Public Choice, 1972.
228. __________. ed. Further Explorations in the Theory of Anarchy. Blacksburg, VA: University Publications, 1974.
229. Vine, Ian. "The Morality of Anarchism." Anarchy. October 1964, pp. 308-11,
230. Wall, Grenville. "Philosophical Anarchism Revisited." In Anarchism. Edited, by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 273-293.
231. Walter, Nicolas. "About Anarchism." Anarchy. 100, June 1969, pp. 161-92.
232. Weiss, Thomas G. "Tradition of Philosophical Anarchism and Future Directions in World Policy." Journal of Peace Research. 12,1975, pp. 1-17-
233. Wertheimer, Alan. "Disrespect for Law and the Case for Anarchy." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 167-88.
234. Wheeler, Charles Jackson. "Justice and Anarchy." Personalist. 52, Spring 1971, pp. 393-400.
235. "When Liberty and Authority Conflict." Center Magazine. 3, March-April 1970, pp. 71-81.
236. Wieck, David. "Anarchist Justice." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 215-36.
237. Willoughby, W.W. "Theories of Anarchy." In his The Ethic Basis of Political Authority. New York: Macmillan, 1930, pp. 42-58.
238. Wolff, Robert Paul. In Defense of Anarchism. New York: Harper and Row, 1970.
239. __________. "Reply to Professors Pritchard and Smith." Journal of Value Inquiry. 7, Winter 1973, pp. 303-6.
240. Woodcock, George. "Anarchism." Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edited by Paul Edwards. New York: Macmillan, 1967, I, pp. 111-15.
241. __________. Anarchism and Morality. London: Freedom Press, 1945.
242. __________. "Anarchism: The Rejection of Politics." In Power and Civilization. Edited by B. Cooperman and E.V. Walter. New York: Crowell, 1962, pp. 491-98.
243. Yale Conference on the Teaching of Social Studies. The Concept of the Radical in American History. New Haven, CT: Yale University, 1968.
244. Young Nigel. An Infantile Disorder? London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977.
(Socialism and Anarchism)
245. Albert, Michael. What is to Be Undone? A Modern Revolutionary Discussion of Classical Left Ideologies. Boston: Porter Sargent, 1974.
246. Benello, C. George. "Anarchism and Marxism." Our Generation. 10, 1, Spring 1974, pp. 52-69.
247. Bestor, Arthur E. "The Evolution of the Socialist. Vocabulary." Journal of the History of Ideas. 9, June 1948, pp. 259-302.
248. Coates, Ken, ed. Essays on Socialist Humanism. Nottingham: Spokesman Books, 1972.
249. Cohn-Bendit, Daniel and Gabriel Cohn-Bendit. Obsolete Communism: The Left-Wing Alternative. London: Beutsch, 1968.
250. Cole, G.D.H. Essays in Social Theory. London: Macmillan, 1950.
251. __________. A History of Socialist Thought. London: Macmillan, 1953-60.
252. __________. Socialist Evolution. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1938.
253. DeLeon, Daniel. Socialism Versus Anarchism. New York: New York Labor News, 1970.
254. Biaz, Carlos. "Marxismus, Hoy." Pensamiento. 29, April 1973, pp. 195-207.
255. Brachkovitch, Milorad, ed. The Revolutionary Internationals. Palo Alto, CAs Stanford University Press, 1966.
256. Ehrlick, Carol. "Socialism, Anarchism, and Feminism." In Reinventing Anarchy; What Are the Anarchists Thinking These Bays. London; Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979, pp. 259-277.
257. Fleming, Marie. The Anarchist Way to Socialism: EEsee Reclus and Nineteenth-century Anarchism. London: Croom Helm, 1979.
258. Fried, Albert and Ronald Sander, eds. Socialist Thought: A Documentary History. Garden City, NY: Anchor, 1964.
259. Gordon, Manya. How to Tell Progress from Reaction. New York: E.P. Button, 1944.
260. Gray, Alexander. The Socialist Tradition. London: Longmans, 1946.
261. Green, Gilbert. The New Radicalism: Anarchists or Marxist? New York: International Publishers, 1971.
262. Greene, William B. Socialistic, Communistic, Mitualistic and Financial Fragments. Westport, CT: Hyperion, 1975.
263; Herreshoff, Bavid. American Bisciples of Marx. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1967.
264. Indie, Trivio. "Anarcho-Communism: The Movement and Its Morals." Praxis. 8, 1972, pp. 175-85.
265. Joll, James. The Second International, 1889-1914. Rev. ed. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974.
266. Kaminski, H.E. "A Peasant Experiment in Anarchist- Communism." Anarchy. 5, July 1961, pp. 156-58.
267. Kolakowski, Leszek. "Vom Sinn der Tradition." Merker. 23, 1969, pp. 1085-92.
268. Kresic, Andrija. "Politischer Absolutismus, Anarchie un Autoritat." Praxis. 3, 1967, pp. 188-200.
269. Kuenzli, Arnold. "Bas Problem der Macht in der Anarchietischen Marxismus-Kritik." Praxis. 6, 1970, pp. 100-108.
270. Langtoft, G. "Socialism and Anarchism." Fortnightly Review. 74, October 1900, pp. 544-558.
271. Leibzon, Boris M. Anarchism, Trotskyism, Maoism. Moscow: 1971.
272. Lichtheim, George. The Origins of Socialism. New York: Praeger, 19^9.
273. McSheehy, Bruce R. "Anarchism and Socialism. " Monthly Review. 21, September 1969, pp. 58-60.
274. Moissennier, Maurice. Anarchisme et Socialisms. Paris: Institut Maurice-Thorez, 1971.
275. Novack, George. "Marxism Vx. Neo-Anarchist Terrorism." International Socialist.Review. 31, June 1970, pp. 14-19.
276. Osgood, Herbert L. "Socialism and Anarchism." Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1889.
277. Plekhanov, George. Anarchism and Socialism. Translated by Eleanor Marks Aveling. Chicago: Kerr, 1909.
278. Prevost, Gary Francis. "Marxism and Anarchism - Some Problems in the Controversy." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1977.
279. Rapaport, E. "Anarchism and Authority in Marx's Socialist Politics." European Journal of Sociology. 17, 2, 1976, pp. 333-43. .
280. Read, Herbert. Existentialism, Marxism and Anarchism. London: Freedom Press, 1949.
281. Russell, Bertrand. The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism. London: Allen and Unwin, 1949.
282. Scott, Ivan. "Nineteenth Century Anarchism and Marxism." Social Science. 47, Autumn 1972, pp. 212-18.
283. Stiekloff, Georg. Marx und die Anarchisten. Dresden: 1913.
284. Thomas, David Paul. "Karl Marx's Disputes with the Anarchists." Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1973*
285. Warden, Martin. "Class and Anarchism and the Capitalist Mentality." Anarchy. 68, October 1966, pp. 301-304.
286. Wheeler, Susan. "Libertarian Feminism and Marxism." Our Generation. 6, 3, Summer 1976, pp. 6-12.
(Anarchism and Non-Violence)
287. Cadogan, Peter. "Non-Violence as a Reading of History." Anarchy. 20, October 1962, pp. 289-96.
288. Carter, April. "Anarchism and Violence." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York; New York University Press, 1978, pp. 320-40.
289. Pinch, Roy. "The New Peace Movement - Part I.S Bissent. 10, Winter 1963, pp. 86-95.
290. __________. " "The New Peace Movement - Part II." Bissent. 10, Spring 1963, pp. I38-I+8.
291. Priedrich, Carl Joachim. "The Anarchist Controversy Over Violence." Zeitschrift fuer Politik. 19, 1972, pp. 167-77.
292. Johnson, Colin. "The Fallacy of Non-Violent Defense." Anarchy. 52, June 1965, pp. 166-70.
293. Eonrad, A. Richard. "Violence and the Philosopher." Journal of Value Inquiry. 8, Spring 1974, pp. 37-45.
294. Room, Bonald. "Disillusionment, Anarchism and War." Anarchy. 75, May 1967, pp. 157-60.
295. Sharp, Gene. "Gandhi on the Theory of Voluntary Servitude. Anarchy. l4, April 1962, pp. 120-28.
296. __________. The Politics of Nonviolent Action. Boston: Porter Sargent, 1973.
297. Walter, Nicolas. "Direct Action and the New Pacifism." Anarchy. 13, March 1962, pp. 71-96.
298. __________. "Disobedience and the New Pacifism." Anarchy. 14, April 1962, pp. 97-114.
299. Widmer, Kingsley. "The Limits of Pacifism." Anarchy. 52, June 1965, pp. 161-66.
(Anarchism and the State)
300. Adamiak, Richard. "The 'Withering Away' of the State: A Reconsideration." Journal of Politics. 32, February 1970 pp. 3-18.
301. Alperovitz, Gar. "Towards a Decentralized Commonwealth." Our Generation. 9, 1, Spring 1973, pp. 42-56.
302. Baty, Thomas. "Can Anarchy Be a State." American Journal of International law. 28, July 1934, pp. 444-55.
303. Buber, Martin. "Society and the State." Anarchy. 54, August 1965, pp. 232-43.
304. Colman, Marshall. "Against the Law." Anarchy. 57, November 1965, pp. 331-41.
305. DeLeon, David. "Anarchism on the Origins and Functions of the State: Some Basic Notes." H.J. Ehrli'ch, et al., eds. Reinventing Anarchism. Boston: Houtledge and Kegan Paul, 1979, pp. 70-83.
306. "Governmentalists, Anarchists and Geneticists." In The Perfectibility of Man. John Passmore. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970, pp. 171-189.
307. Jagger, Alison. "The Just State as a Round Square." Dialogue. 11, December 1972, pp. 580-83.
308. Manicus, Peter. The Death of.the State. New York: Putnam, 1974.
309. Nock, Albert Jay. Our Enemy the State. New York: Free Life Editions, 1973.
310. Oppenheimer, Franz. The State. New York: Free Life, 1975.
311. Pilgrim, John. "Anarchism and Stateless Societies." Anarchy. 58, December 1965, pp. 353-68.
312. Rothbard, Murray N. "Society Without a State." In Anarchism. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York: New York University Press, 1978, pp. 191-207.
313. Sneed, John D. "Order Without Law: Where Will the Anarchists Keep the Madmen." Journal of Libertarian Studies. 1, Spring 1977, pp. 117-24.
314. V.R. "July 19, 1936: Republic or Revolution." Anarchy. 5, July 1961, pp. 129-36.
315. Ward, Colin. "The State and Society." Anarchy. 14, April 1962, pp. 115-19.
316. Wollstein, Jarrett B. Society Without Coercion. New York: Arno Press, 1972.
317. Woodcock, George. "Not Any Power: Reflections on Decentralism." Anarchy. 104, October 1969, pp. 305-9.
(Anarchism and Education)
318. Barber, Benjamin R. Superman and Common Men: Freedom, Anarchy and. the Revolution. New York: Preager, 1971.
319. Benello, George. "Wasteland and Culture." Anarchy. 86, June 1968, pp. 163-88.
320. Chappell, Robert H. "Anarchy Revisited: An Inquiry Into the Public Education Bilemma." Journal of Libertarian Studies. 2, Winter 1978, pp. 357-72.
321. Martin, Bavid A., ed. Anarchy and Culture: The Problem of the Contemporary University. New York: Columbia University Press, 1969.
322. Paton, Keith. "Programmed Instruction and Libertarian Education." Anarchy. Ill, May 1970, pp. 146-55.
323. Radcliffe, Charles. "Anarchy and the Public Schools." Anarchy. 27, May 1963, pp. 142-48.
324. Sargent, Lyman Tower. "Revolution, Education and Reform." Anarchy. 114, August 1970, pp. 253-57.
325. Spring, Joel H. "Anarchism and Education: The Bissenting Tradition." Libertarian Analysis. 1, 4, 1971, pp. 30-42.
326. __________. A Primer of Libertarian Education. NeW York: Free Life, 1975.
(Anarchism and the Economy)
327. Bookchin, Murray. Post Scarcity Anarchism. Berkeley, CA: Ramparts Press, 1974
328. Buchanan, James. The Limits of Liberty: Between Anarchy and Leviathan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975
329. Freeh, H.E. "The Public Choice Theory of Murray N. Rothbard A Modern Anarchist." Public Choice. 14, September 1973, pp. 143-54*
330. Friedman, Bavid B. The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism. New York: Harper and Row, 1973.
331. Holmes, William T. The Historical, Philosophical and Economic Bases of Anarchy. Columbus Junction, IAs E.H. Fulton, I896.
332. Lum, Byer, B. The Economics of Anarchy. New York: Twentieth Century Publishing Company, 1890.
333. Moss, Laurence S. "Private Property Anarchism: An American Variant." In Further Explorations in the Theory of Anarchy. Edited by Gordon Tullock. Blacksburg, VA: University Publications, 1974, pp. 1-32.
334. Osterfeld, Bavid Edward. "Anarcho-Capitalism: The Development of an Alternative to Government." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cincinnati, 1977.
335. Hist, Charles. "The Anarchists." In A History of Economic Doctrines: From the Time of the Physiocrats to the Present Day. Charles Gide and Charles Hist. 2d English ed. Translated by R. Richards. Boston: B.C. Health, 1948, pp. 610-639.
336. Rothbard, Murray N. Man, Economy and the State. 2d ed. Menlo Park, CA: Institute for Humane Studies, 1970.
337. __________. Power and Market: Government and the Economy. Menlo Park, CA: Institute for Humane Studies, 1970.
338. Sanders, John T. "The Free Market Model Versus Government: A Reply to Nozipk." Journal of Libertarin Studies. 1, Winter 1977, pp. 35-44.
339. Schumacher, E.F. Small is Beautiful. New York: Harper, 1973.
340. Stauber, Leland. "The Implications of Market Socialism in the United States." Polity. 8, Fall 1975, pp. 38-62.
341. Taft, Phillip. "Anarchism." In Movements for Economic Reform. New York: Holt, Rinehart, 1950, pp. 98-120.
342. Tannehill, Morris and Linda Tannehill. The Market for Liberty. New York: Arno Press, 1972.
(Anarchism and the Environment)
343. Albon, Alan. "Anarchism and Agriculture." Anarchy. 41, July 1964, pp. 197-202.
344. Baecker, Harry. "Technology, Science and Anarchism: Homo Aedificans." Anarchy. 25, March 1963, pp. 65-70.
345. Bookchin, Murray. "Ecology and Revolutionary Thought." Fifth Estate. 4, 15 April 1970, pp. 9, 14.
346. __________. The Limits of the City. New York: Harper, 1974.
347. __________. Our Synthetic Environment. Rev. ed. New York s Harper, 1974.
348. Crowley, George and Louise Crowley. "Beyond Automation." Anarchy. 49, March 1965, pp. 68-80.
349. Ellerby, John. "Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow." Anarchy. 41, July 1964, pp. 206-212.
350. Ellingham, Francis. "Automation and Individualism." Anarchy. 52, June 1965, pp. 178-83.
351. Goldman, Maurice. "Technology, Science, and Anarchisms The Terrible Flaw." Anarchy. 25, March 1963, pp. 70-74.
352. Berber, Lewis.. "Ecology and Revolutionary Thought." Anarchy. 69, November 1966, pp. 321-40.
353. Pingry, Bavid E. "Anarchy, Externalities and the Environment." In Further Explorations in the Theory of Anarchy. Edited by Gordon Tullock. Blacks burg, VA: University Publications, 1974, pp. 59-64.
354. Rety, John. "Anarchists and Nuclear Bisarmers." Anarchy. 62, April 1966, pp. 110-15.
355. Richardson, Brian. "Freedom and Environment." Anarchy. 117, November 1970, pp. 327-28.
356. Stauder, Jack. "Anarchy and Ecology; Political Society Among the Majangir." Southwestern Journal of Anthropology. 28, Summer 1972, pp. 153-68.
357. Swann, Robert. "Birect Action and the Urban Environment." Anarchy. 41, July 1964, pp. 213-24.
(Anarchism and Art)
358. Aubery, Pierre. "The Anarchism of the Literati of the Symbolist Period." French Review. 42, October 1968, pp. 39-47.
359. Avrich, Paul. "Conrad's Anarchist Professor: An Undiscovered Source." Labor History. 18, Summer 1977, pp. 397-402.
360. Baron, Lawrence. "The Eclectic Anarchism of Erich Muhsam." Ph.B. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1975.
361. Bergonzi, Bernard. "Retrospect Is Autobiography." In Heroes Twilight. New York; Coward-McCann, 1965, pp. 46-70.
362. Canfield, J.B. "Anarchy and Style: What Dryden Grants in Absalom and Achitophel." Papers on Language and Literature. 14, Winter 1978, pp. 83-7.
363. Carr, Barbara. "Variations on the Anarchist: Politics Reflected in Fiction." Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, 1976.
364. Cogswell, F. "Amateur Anarchist." Canadian Literature. 62, Autumn 1974, pp. 93-95.
365. Duerksen, Roland A. "Caleb Williams, Political Justice, and Billy Budd." American Literature. 38, November 1966, pp. 372-76.
366. Egbert, Donald Drew. Social Radicalism and the Arts. New York: Knopf, 1970.
367. __________. Socialism and American Art. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967.
368. Enright, Dennis Joseph. "There Was a- Time: Herbert Read's Autobiographies." In Conspirators and Poets. London: Chatto and Windus, 1966, pp. 102-105.
369. Fleishman, Avrom. "Conrad's Politics: Community and Anarchy in the Fiction of Joseph Conrad." Ph.D. dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, 1963.
370. Goodman, Paul. Art and Social Nature. New York: Arts and Science Press, 1946.
371. Grattan, C.H. "Gentlemen, I Give You Herbert Read." Harper's. 194, June 1947, pp. 535-42.
372. Helfand, M.S. and P.E. Smith. "Anarchy and Cultures The Evolutionary Turn of Cultural Criticism in the Work of Oscar Wilde." Texas Studies in Literature and Language. 20, Summer 1978, pp. 199-215.
373. Herbert, Eugenia. The Artist and Social Reform: France and Belgium, 1885-1898. New Havens Yale University Press, 1961.
374. Herbert, Robert and Eugenia Herbert. "Artists and Anarchism." Anarchy. 91, - September I968, pp. 276-83.
375. Hogue, Herbert. "The Anarchic Mystique of Five American Fictions." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, 1971.
376. Langbaum, Robert. "Thought on Our Times: Three Novels on Anarchism." American Scholar. Spring 1973, p.227.
377. Langlois, W.G. "Anarchism, Action and Malraux." Twentieth Century. 24, Pall 1978, pp. 272-89.
378. Lynch, Honora. "Patterns of Anarchy and Order in the Works of John Rechy." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Houston, 1976.
379. Maloney, Philip. "Anarchism and Bolshevism in the Works of Boris Pilnyak." Russian Review. 32, January 1973, pp. 43-53.
380. Martin, E.A. "Puritan Satanic Plights Don Marquis, Archy and Anarchy." Sewanee Review. 83, Pall 1975, PPĀ« 623-42.
381. McCracken, B. "Godwin's Literary Theory: The Alliance Between Fiction and Political Philosophy." Philological Quarterly. 49, January 1970, pp. 113-33.
382. McLaughlin, R. "English Poet-Critic-Philosopher." Saturday Review. 30, 28 June 1948, p.17.
383. Mills, J. "Love and Anarchy in Sergeant Musgrave's Dance." Drama Survey. 7, Winter 1968-69, pp. 45-51.
384. Nash, Christopher. "More Light on the Secret Agent." Review of English Studies. U.S. 20, August 1969, pp. 322-27.
385. Ossar, M. "Anarchism and Socialism in Ernst Toller's Masse-Mench." Germanic Review. 51, May 1976, pp. 192-208.
386. __________. "Anarchism in the Drama of Ernst Toller." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1973.
387. Pilgrim, John. "Science Fiction and Anarchism." Anarchy. 34, December 1963, pp. 361-75.
388. Read, Herbert. "Anarchism and Modern Society." In The Anarchists. Edited by Irving Horowitz. New York: Dell, 1964, pp. 344-54.
389. __________. Anarchy and Order: Essays in Politics. Rev ed. London: Souvenir Press, 1974.
390. __________. Art and Alienation. New York: Horizon, 1967.
391. __________. "Art and the Revolutionary Attitude." Southern Review. 1, 1935, pp. 239-52.
392. __________. "Intellectuals in Exile." New Statesman. 17, 18 February 1939, pp. 244-45.
393. __________. "Lost Leaders or, The Psychopathology of Reaction in the Arts." Sewanee Review. 63, Fall 1955, pp. 51-66.
394. __________. The Philosophy of Anarchism. London? Freedom Press, 1940.
395. __________. Poems, 1914-1934. London? Paber and Faber, 1935.
396. __________. Poetry and Anarchism, New York; Macmillan, 1939.
397. __________. The Politics of the Unpolitical. London: Routledge, 1943.
398. __________. "Pragmatic Anarchism." Encounter. 30, January 1968, pp. 54-61.
399. __________. To Hell With Culture. New York: Schocken Books, 1963.
400. Reszler, Andre. L'Esthetique Anarchists. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1973.
401. __________. "L'Esthetique de. l'Anarchisme." Revue d' Esthetique. 24, April-June 1971, pp. 167-84.
402. Reyler, Andre. "Peter Kropotkin and His Vision of Anarchist Aesthetics." Biogenes. 78, Summer 1972, pp. 52-63. ^
403. Rocker, Rudolph. Nationalism and Culture. Los Angeles: McLeod, 1937.
404. Sanders, David. "Anarchism of John Dos Passos." South Atlantic Quarterly. 60, Winter 1961, pp. 44-55.
405. Sarracino, Carmine. "Henry Miller, Spiritual Anarchist." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1974.
406. Sheppard, R. "Dada and Politics." Journal of European Studies. 9, March-June 1979, pp. 39-74.
407. Sherman, William David. "J.P. Donleavy: Anarchic Man as Dying Dionysian." Twentieth Century Literature. 13, January 1968, pp. 216-28.
408. Sherry, Norman. "Conrad's Ticket-of-Leave Apostle." Modern Language Review. 64, October 1969, pp. 749-58.
409. __________. "Greenwich Bomb Outrage and the Secret Agent." Review of English Studies. N.S. 18, November 1967, pp. 412-28.
410. Simon, J. "Notes of a Noble Anarchist." Saturday Review, 46, 17 August 1963, p.18.
411. Spencer, Colin. The Anarchy of Love. New York; Weybright and Talley, 1963.
412. Spender, Stephen. "Dialogue with a Recognizer." In The Struggle of the Modern. Berkeley, CAs University of California, 1963, pp. 177-85.
413. Steinke, Gerhardt. "The Anarchistic, Expressionistic and Dadaistic Phases in the Life and Work of Hugo Ball." Ph. D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1955.
414. Walter, Nicolas. "Theater; Anger and Anarchy." Anarchy. 19, September 1962, pp. 257-66.
415. Ward, John William. "Another Howells Anarchist Letter." American Literature. 22, January 1951, PPĀ« 489-90.
416. Williams, Michael. "Politics Without Love: Anarchism in Turgenev, Dostoevsky, and James." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1974.
417. Woodcock, George. Herbert Read: .The Stream and the Source. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972.
418. __________. The Writer and Politics. London: Porcupine Press, 1948.
419. Youens, Anne. "Romance and Anarchy: The Epic Vision of Armand Gatti." Ph.D. dissertation, Caraegie-Mellon University, 1973.
Anarchism in Practice
420. Cadogan, Peter. "The Politics of Direct Action." Anarchy. 13, March I962, pp. 67-70.
421. C.W. "Do-It-Yours elf Anarchisms The Anarchist Idea." Anarchy. 77, July 1967, pp. 193-97.
422. C.W. "Are We in Pavor of Penal Reform?" Anarchy. 9, November 1961, pp. 257-263.
423. Featherstone, Godfrey. "Radio Freedom - An Anarchist Approach." Anarchy. 93, November 1968, pp. 329-39.
424. Ford, Peter. "Libertarian Psychiatry: An Introduction to Existential Analysis." Anarchy. 70, December 1966, pp. 353-74.
425. Gellner, Ernest. "How to Live in Anarchy." In Contemporary Thought and Politics. Edited by I.C. Jarvie and Joseph Agassi. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974, PPĀ« 87-94.
426. Hoffman, Robert L. "Anti-Military Complex? Anarchist Response to Contemporary Militarism." Journal of International Affairs. 26, 1972, pp. 87-97.
427. Ingrams, Vincent and Geoffrey Barfoot. "Is There a Libertarian Psychiatry?" Anarchy. 7k, April 1967, pp. 119-25.
428. Jackson, Ward. "Therapeutic Communities." Anarchy. 9, November 1961, pp. 270-77.
429. Jones, Tom. "Approaches to the Land." Anarchy. 41, July 1964, pp. 193-97.
430. Kavanagh, Ted, et al. ' "Why I Won't Vote? A Symposium." Anarchy. 37, March I96I+, pp. 65-75.
431. Lindenfield, Prank. "Voluntarism and Politics." Anarchy. 69, November 1966, pp. 344-50.
432. Maddock, Kenneth. "Action Anthropology or Applied Anarchism?" Anarchy. 8, October 1961, pp. 232-36.
433. __________. "The Bounds of Possibility." Anarchy. 16, June 1-962, pp. 171-78.
434. Petch, G.H. "CD and CND? Are They Opposed?" Anarchy. 17, July 1962, pp. 216-23.
435. Porter, David. "Revolutionary Realization: The Motivational Energy." In Reinventing Anarchy: What Are the Anarchists Thinking These Days. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979, pp. 214-228.
436. Powell, William. The Anarchist Cookbook. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1971.
437. Pressman, Arnold. "Synanon and Anarchy." Anarchy. 6, February 1966, pp. 40-51.
438. Robinson, Jeff. "Anarchism and Practicability." Anarchy. 31, September 1963, pp. 288-92.
439. Rooum, Donald. "Freedom of Access." Anarchy. 17, Jfily 1962, pp. 203-10.
440. __________ and Eric Hughes. "Freedom of Access: Follow-Up." Anarchy. 19, September 1962, pp. 295-87.
441. Roszak, Theodore. "The Case for Listener-Supported Radio." Anarchy. 93, November 1968, pp. 321-29.
442. Sargent, Lyman Tower. "An Anarchist Utopia." Anarchy. 104, October 1969, pp. 316-20.
443. Shelley, Diana. "Influx or Exodus? Anarchists and the Committee of 100." Anarchy. 50, April 1965, pp. 97-10$.
444. Shuford, Robert Weir. "Anarchism and Social Action in Americas A Case Study of an Alternative Health Care Facility." Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern University, 1974.
445. Slosson, E. "Experiment in Anarchy." Independent. 55, April 1903, pp. 779-85.
446. Small, Martin. "Freud, Anarchism and Experiments in Living." Anarchy. 20, October 1962, pp. 300-19.
447. Vandergriff, Kate. "Trying It On: An Experiment in Anarchy." Anarchy. 75, May 1967, pp. 130-56.
448. Vine, Ian. "Anarchism as a Realist Alternative." Anarchy. 74, April 1967, pp. 97-114.
449. __________. "Beatnik as Anarchist?" Anarchy. 31, September 1963, pp. 283-87.
450. Walter, Nicolas and Ruth Walter. "The Committee of 100 and Anarchism." Anarchy. 52, June 1965, pp. 171-78.
451. Ward, Colin. Anarchy in Action. New Yorks Harper and Row, 1974.
452. Woelke, Gabriele. Wie radikal sind Radikale?s Versuch zur histor. u. polit. Abgrenzung. , Koelns Deutscher Instituts-Verlag, 1978.
Syndicalism and Workers' Control
453. "Ancestry and Guild Socialism." Contemporary Review. 227, September 1975, pp. 133-36.
454. Arum, Peter Marshall. "Georges Dumoulins Biography of a Revolutionary Syndicalist, 1887-1923." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1971.
455. Beetham, D. "From Socialism to Fascisms The Relation Between Theory and Practice in the Work of Robert Michels." Political Studies. 25, March 1977, pp. 3-24.
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United States
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(Anti-Anarchist Laws)
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(Haymarket Affair)
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(Labor Movement)
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913. Conlin, Joseph R. Big Bill Haywood and the Radical Union Movement. Syracuse, NYs Syracuse University Press, 1969.
914. __________. Bread and Roses Toos Studies of the Wobblies. Westport, CTs Greenwood Publishers, 1969.
915. Dubofsky, Melvyn. We Shall Be Alls A History of Syndicalism in the United States. Chicagos Quadrangle, 1969.
916. George, Harrison. I.W.W. Trial. New Yorks Arno, 1969.
917. Hapgood, Eutchins. The Spirit of Labor. New Yorks Duffield and Co., 1907.
918. Hill, Joe. Letters of Joe Hill. Edited by Philip Poner. New York: Quick Pox, 1965.
919. Hodges, D.C. "Rise and Pall of Militant Trade Unionism." American Journal of Economy and Sociology. 20, October 1961, pp. 483-496.
920. Kipnis, Ira. The American Socialist Movement, 1897-1919. New Yorks Columbia University Press, 1952.
921. Minis, Grandizo and James P. Cannon. What Policy for Revolutionistss Marxism or Ultra-Leftism? New Yorks Merit, 1969.
922. Renshaw, Patrick. The Wobblies s The Story of Syndicalism in the United States. Garden City, NYs Doubleday, 1967.
923. Saposs, David J. Left Wing Unionism. New Yorks Russell, 1967.
924. Segers, M.C. "Equality and Christian Anarchisms The Political and Social Ideas of the Catholic Worker Movement." Review of Politics. 40, April 1978, pp. 196-230.
925. Smith, Gibbs. Joe Hill. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1969.
926. Soltau, Roger. "The Syndicalist Challenge to the Sovereign State." In French Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1931. pp. 442-85.
927. Tyler, Robert L. Rebels of the Woods: The I.W.W. in the Pacific Northwest. Eugene: University of Oregon Press, 1967.
928. Werstein, Irving. Pie in the Sky. Hew York: Belacorte, 1969.
929. Yellen, Samuel. American Labor Struggles. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1936.
(Sacco and Vanzetti)
930. Bagdikian, B.H. "New Light on Sacco and Yanzetti." New Republic. 149, 13 July 1963, pp. 13-17.
931. Colp, R., Jr. "No Pardon of Sacco and Vanzetti." Nation. 190, 21 May i960, pp. 454-55.
932. Deedy, J. "Sacco and Vanzetti: Still Nagging the American Conscience." Commonweal. 90, 25 July 1969, pp. 466-68.
933. Dickinson, Alice. The Sacco-Vanzetti Case, 1920-1927. New York: Watts, 1972. .
934. DiGiovanni, N.T. "Progress of Sacco and Vanzetti." Nation. 188, 18 April 1959, pp. 331-32.
935. Dos Passos, John. Pacing the Chair: The Story of the Americanization of Two Poreignborn Workingmen. New York: Da Capo, 1970.
936. Eastman, Max. "Is this the Truth About Sacco and Vanzetti." National Review. 11, 21 October 1961, pp. 261-64.
937. Ehrmann, Herbert. The Case that Will Not Die. Boston; Little, Brown, 1969.
938. __________. Untried Case: The Sacco-Vanzetti Case and the Morelli Gang. New York: Vanguard, i960.
939. Felix, David. Protest; Sacco and Vanzetti and the Intellectuals.: Bloomington: Indiana University Press, I960.
940. Pine, Sidney. "Anarchism and the Assassination of McKinley." American Historical Review. 60, July 1955, pp.. 777-99,
941. Frankfurter, Felix. The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti: A Critical Analysis for Lawyers and Laymen. New Yorks Universal, 1962.
9^2. Grossman, J. "Sacco-Vanzetti Case Reconsidered." Commentary. 33, January 1962, pp. 31-UU.
943. Joughlin, Louis and Morgan Edmund. The Legacy of Sacco and Vanzetti. Chicagos Quadrangle, 1964.
944. Lyons, Eugene. Life and Death of Sacco and Vanzetti. New York; Da Capo, 1970.
945. Masmanno, Michael A. After Twelve Years. New York: Knopf, 1939.
946. Russell, Francis. Tragedy in Dedham. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962.
947. Sinclair, Upton. Boston: A Novel. New York; Boni, 1928.
948. Weeks, Robert, ed. Commonwealth vs. Sacco and Vanzetti. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1958.
Other Countries
949. Doctor, Adi H. Anarchist Thought in India. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1964.
950. Dowa, Henry. "Africans and Anarchism." Anarchy. 16, June 1962, pp. 183-86.
951. Goldman, Maurice. "Anarchism and the African." Anarchy. 16, June 1962, pp. 179-82.
952. Halbrook, Steve. "Libertarianism and Mao's China." Libertarian Analysis. 1, Spring 1970, pp. 13-26.
953. Holgate, Philip. "May 1936: The Congress of Zaragoza." Anarchy. 5, July 1961, pp. 144-48.
9Sh' Krebs, Edward S. "Liu Ssu-Fu and Chinese Anarchism, 1905-1915." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, 1977*
955. Kublin, Eyman. Asian Revolutionary: The Life of Sen Katayama. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1964.
956. Large, S.S. "Romance of Revolution in Japanese Anarchism and Communism During the Taisho Period." Modem Asian Studies. 11, July 1977, pp. 1441-67-
957. Mailer, Philip. Portugal: The Impossible Revolution. New York: Free Life, 1976.
958. Mandic, 0. "Anarhizam Kao Drustvena Pojava." Arhiv Za Pravne i Drustvene Nauke. 47, January-June i960, pp. 57-72.
959. Meltzer, Albert. The Anarchists in London, 1935-1955. Sanday: Cienfuego3 Press, 1976.
960. Meur, Jean de. L'Anarchisme Ou la Contestation Permanente. Bruxelles: P.De Meyere, 1970.
961. Munoz, Yladimiro. Li Pei Kan and Chinese Anarchism. New York: Revisionist Press, 1977.
962. Ostergaard, Geoffrey. "Indian Anarchism." Anarchy. 42, August 1964, pp. 225-36.
963. __________ and Melville Currell. The Gentle Anarchists: A Study of the Leaders of the Sarvodava Movement for Non-Violent Revolution in India. New York; Oxford University Press, I97I.
964. __________ and John Ellerby. "Anarchists and Fabians: An Anniversary Symposium." Anarchy. 8, October 1961, pp. 225-31.
965. Scalapino, Robert A. and George T. Yu. The Chinese Anarchist Movement. Berkeley, CA: Center for Chinese Studies, University of California, 1961.
966. Schubert, John. "Revolution and White Bikes." Anarchy. 66, August 1966, pp. 225-28.
967. Shandy, Tristram. "Attitudes to India." Anarchy. 42, August 1964, pp. 245-49.
968. Shipley, Peter. Revolutinnaries in Modern Britain. London: Bodley Head, 1976.
969. Stafford, David. "Anarchists in Great Britain Today." Government and Opposition. 5, Autumn 1970, pp. 480-500.
970. Svoboda, G.J. "Anarchism in Bohemias The Prague Anti- Habsburg Revolutionary Society 1868-1872." East European Quarterly. 11, Fall 1977, pp. 267-91.
971. Tsuzuki, Chushichi. "Anarchism in Japan." Government and Opposition. 5, Autumn 1970, pp. 501-22.
972. YanBuyn, Roel. "This is Frovo." Anarchy. 66, August 1966, pp. 229-32.
973. Viana, Jose M.G. A evolucao Anarquista Em Portugal. Londons C. Slienger, 1975.
General Anarchists
97l|. Abbott, Myron James Edward. "Anarchy and Anarchisms Santayana on the Nature of Moral and Political Authority." Ph.B. dissertation, Yanderbilt University, 1974.
975. Adams, Grace and Edward Butter. "The Intellectuals Look at Marriage." In The Mad Forties. New Yorks Harper, 1942.
976. Alexander, A. John. "Ideas of Lysander Spooner." New England Quarterly. 23, June 1950, pp. 200-17.
977. Ashbaugh, Carolyn. Lucy Parsons s American Revolutionary. Chicagos Charles H. Kerr, 1976.
978. Avrich, Paul. An American Anarchist; The Life of Voltairine de Cleyre. Princetons Princeton University Press, 1978.
979. __________. "Prison Letters of Ricardo Flores Magon to Lilly Sarnoff." International Review of Social History. 22, 1977, pp. 379-U22.
980. Baldwin, Roger. "Stephen Pearl Andrews." In Encyclopedia of Social Sciences. Edited by Edwin R.A. Seligman and Alvin Johnson. New Yorks Macmillan, 1937, vol. 1, p.59.
981. Bell, Thomas H. Edward Carpenter, The English Tolstoi. Los Angeless The Libertarian Group, 1932.
982. Berlin, Isaiah. "Tolstoy and the Enlightenment." Encounter. 16, February 1961, pp. 29-i+O.
983. Berkman, Alexander. A.B.C. of Anarchism. 3rd ed. Londons Free Press, 1964.
984. __________, ed. Blast. New Yorks Greenwood Reprint, 1970.
985. __________. The Bolshevik Myth (Diary 1920-1922). New Yorks Boni and Liveright, 1925.
986. __________. Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist. New York: Schocken, 1970.
987. Bernard, Luther and Jessie Bernard. The Origins of American Sociology. Hew York? Crowell, 1943*
988. Blau, Joseph L. "Henry Bavid Thoreaus Anarchist." In Men and Movements in American Philosophy. New York: Prentice Hall, 1953, pp. 131-42.
989. __________. "Unfettered Freedom." Transactions of the Charles S. Pierce Society. 7, Fall 1971, pp. 243-58.
990. Bliss, William B.P., ed. "Andrews, Stephen Pearl." In New Encylopedia of Social Beform. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1910, pp. 51-52.
991. __________, ed. "Ballou, Adin." In New Encyclopedia of Social Reform. New York: Funk and Wagnall, 1910, p.88.
992. Boston, Richard. "Conversations About Anarchism." Anarchy. 85, March 1968, pp. 65-75.
993. Boyd, J. "From Far Right to Far Left, and Farther, with Karl Hess." New York Times-Magazine. 6 Becember 1970, pp. 48-49.
994. Bronner, Stephen Eric, ed. The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1978.
995. Buber, Martin. Paths in Utopia. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1949.
996. Budd, L.J. "Twain, Howells and the Boston Nihilists." New England Quarterly. 32, September 1959, pp. 351-71.
997. Calverton, Victor F. "Hopedale: An Adventure in Religions Co-operation." In Where Angels Dared to Tread. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1941,"pp. 225-35.
998. Cary, George L. "Adin Ballou and the Hopedale Community." New World. 7, December I898, pp. 670-83.
999. Clamage, D, "The Anarchist Revolution." Fifth Estate. 4, 6 August 1969, pp. 14-15.
1000. Corbin, David. The Socialist and Labor Star. . Huntington, West Virginias Appalachian Movement Press, 1971.
1001. Cranston, Maurice. "A Dialogue on Anarchy." Anarchy. 22, December 1962, pp. 353-71.
1002. C.W. "Gustav Landauer." Anarchy. 54, August 1965, pp. 244-251.
1003. Debu-Bridel, Jacques. L'Actualite de Fourier: de 1'Utopie au Fourierisme Applique. Paris: Editions France-Empire, 1978.
1004. Be Cleyre, Voltairine. Moribund Society and Anarchy. San Pranciscos A. Isaak, 1899*
1005. Bickens, Bob. "Thoreau on Slavery, Economy and Alienation." Anarchy. U.S. 8, 1971, pp. 18-24.
1006. Bobb, Maurice H. On Economic Theory and Socialism. Londons Routledge and Paul, 1955.
1007. Borfman, Joseph. "Philosophical Anarchism." In The Economic Mind of America 3. New York: Viking, 1946, pp. 35-42.
1008. Drinnon, Richard. "The Blast of Alexander Berkman." Anarchy. 104, October 1969, pp.310-15.
1009. Drinnon, Richard. "Thoreau"s Politics of the Upright Man." Anarchy. 26, April 1963* pp. 117-28.
1010. Eliot, Samuel A., ed. "Adin Ballou, 1803-1890." In Heralds of a Liberal Paith. Bostons American Unitarian Association, 1910, pp. 297-300.
1011. Ellerby, John. "The Anarchism of Alex Comfort." Anarchy. 33, November 1963* pp. 329-39.
1012. __________. "The Anarchism of Jean Vigo." Anarchy. 6, August 1961, pp. I63-73.
1013. __________. "Martin Buber." Anarchy. 54, August 1965, pp. 225-31.
1014. Pishman, William J. "Rudolph Rockers Anarchist Missionary (1873-1958)." History Today. 16, January 1966, pp. 45-52.
1015. Fitzgerald, Edward Peter. "Emile Pouget, the Anarchist Movement, and the Origins of Revolutionary Trade-Unionism in France (1880-1901)." Ph.B. dissertation, Yale University, 1973.
1016. Frager, J.M. "A Look at Gustav Landaver." Libertarian Analysis. 1, 1971, pp. 43-46.
1017. Frankfurt, Harry G. "The Anarchism of Robert Paul Wolff." Political Theory. 1, November 1973, pp. 405-14..
1018. Gay-Crosier, Raymond. "L'Anarchisme Meeure de Camus." Symposium. 24, Fall 1970, pp. 243-53.
1019. Gianakos, Perry. "Ernest Howard Crosbys A Forgotten Tolstoyan Anti-Militarist and Anti-Imperialist." American Studies. 13, Spring 1972, pp. 11-29.
1020. Goldman, Emma. "Johann Most." American Mercury. 8, June 1926, pp. 158-66.
1021. Goodman, Paul. "On the Intellectual Inhibition of Explosive Grief and Anger." Anarchy. 61, March 1966, pp. 87-96.
1022. Hall, B. "The Economic Theory of Stephen Pearl Andrewss Neglected Utopian Writer." South African Journal of Economics. March 1975, pp. 45-55.
1023. Harper, Vivian. "Bertrand Russell and the Anarchists." Anarchy. 109, March 1970, pp 68-77.
1024. Heitman, Sidney. "The Myth of Bukharin's Anarchism." Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal. 1, April 1963, pp. 39-53.
1025. Hess, Karl. Bear America. New Yorks Morrow, 1975* 1026* Hodder, H.J. "Political Ideas of Thoretein Veblen." Canadian Political Science. . 22, August 1956, pp. 347-57.
1027. Holitscher, Arthur. Ravachol und die Pariser Anarchisten. Berlins Die Schmiede, 1925.
1028. Holloway, Mark. "Excitements and Institutions." In Heavens on Earth. New Yorks Dover Press, 1966, pp. 116-32.
1029. Holz, Hans Heinz. Utopie und Anarchismus: Zur Kritik der Kritischen Theorie Herbert Marcuse. Koelns Paul-Rugenstein, 1968.
1030. Jarrell, Willoughby Given. "Some Anarchistic Implications of the Political Writings of Thomas Paine.-" Ph.D. dissertation, Emory University, 1974.
1031. Keohane, N.O. "Radical Humanism of Etienne de La Boetie." Journal of the History of Ideas. 38, January 1977, pp. 119-30.
1032. Kurtz, Paul. "Conservative Anarchisms An Interview with Bwight MacDonald." Humanist. 33, July-August 1973, pp. 4-8.
1033. __________. "Conservative Anarchisms An Interview with Dwight MacDonald." Humanist. 33, January-February 1973, pp. 13
1034. La Boetie, Etienne de. The Politics of Obedience. New York; Free Life, 1975. 87. -1 - Pub. Admin. Series: Bibliography #P 902
1035. Landauer, C. "Prom Anarchism to Reformism; A Study of Political Activities of Paul Brousse, I870-I89O." Journal of Modern History. 44, March 1972, pp. 124-125.
1036. Lang, Olga. Pa Chin and His Writings. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967.
1037. Leighton, Marian. "Voltairine de Cleyre: An Introduction to American Left-Wing Anarchism." Black Hose. 2, Spring 1975, pp. 1-7.
1038. Lomas, Charles W., ed. "The Beast of Property." In The Agitator in American Society. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968, pp. 30-41.
1039. Love, Ludwig. "Most, Johann." In Encylopedia of the Social Sciences. Edited by Edwin R.A. Seligman and Alvin Johnson. New York: Macmillan, 1937, p.53.
1040. Lunn, Eugene. Prophet of Community: The Romantic Socialism of Gustav Landauer. Berkeley, CAs University of California Press, 1973.
1041. Lynd, Staughton. "Henry Thoreau: The Admirable Radical." Liberation. 7, February 19^3, pp. 21-26.
1042. Maitron, Jean. Ravachol et les Anarchistes. Paris: Julliard, 1$64.
1043. Mason, E.S. "Fourier and Anarchism." Quarterly Journal of Economics, 42, 1928, pp. 228-262.
1044. Maurer, Charles. Call to Revolutions The Mystical Anarchism of Gustav Landauer. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1971.
1045. Miller, William D. Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement. New York: Liveright, 1972.
1046. Morris, William. Art, Labour and Socialism. London: Socialist Party of Great Britian, 1967.
1047. __________. News from Nowhere. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970.
1048. Nettlau, Max. Elisee Reclus, Anarchist und Gelehrter (1830-1905). Vadux/Liechtenstein: Topos-Verlag, 1977.
1049. Nicolson, Benedict. "Camille Pissaro's Anarchism." Anarchy. 91, September 1968, pp. 269-75.
1050. Nomad, Max. "Johann Most, Terrorist of the World." In Apostles of Revolution. New York: Collier, I96I, pp. 257-99.
1051. Noyes, John Humphrey. "Hopedale." In History of American Socialismus. New Yorks Hillary House, 1961, pp. 119-32.
1052. Ollendorff, Robert. "Wilhelm Reichs A Reassessment." Anarchy. 105, November 1969, pp. 321-31.
1053. Ostergaard, Geoffrey. "G.B.S. - Anarchist." New Statesman and Nation. I46, 21 November 1953, pp. 628.
1054. Padelford, Philip S. "Adin Ballou and the Hopedale Community." Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1942.
1055. Patsouras, Louis. "Jean Grave, French Intellectual and Anarchist, 18514.-1939." Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 1966.
1056. Perlin, Terry M. "Anarchism and Idealisms Voltairira de 01eyre (1886-1912)." Labor History. 1U, Fall 1973, pp. 506-20.
1057. Perry, Lewis. "Adin Ballou's Hopedale Community and the Theology of Anti-Slavery." Church History. 39, September 1970, pp. 372-89.
1058. Pomper, Philip. Sergei Nechaev. New Brunswick, NJs Rutgers University Press, 1979.
1059. Prawdin, Michael. The Unmentionable Nechaev. Londons Allen and Unwin, I96I.
1060. Rama, Rao, P.S.S. "The Structure of a Non-Violent Societys An Analysis of Gandhian Thought." Journal of Thought".' 9, January 1974, pp. 39-46.
1061. Reclus, Elisee. "An Anarchist on Anarchy." Contemporary Review, 45, May 1884, pp. 627-41.
1062. Reichert, William. "The Philosophical Anarchism of Adin Ballou." Huntington Library Quarterly. 27, August 1964, pp. 357-74.
1063. Richards, Vernon, comp. and ed. Errico Malatesas His Life and Ideas. Londons Freedom Press, 1965.
1064. Riley, Thomas. Germany's Poet-Anarchists John Henry Mackay. New York? Revisionist, 1972.
1065. Rocker, Rudolf. Johann Most, das Leben eines Rebellen. Glashuetten im Taunuss Detlov Auvermann, 1973.
1066. __________. The London Years. Londons Robert Anscombe, 1956.
1067. __________. Max Nettlaus Leben und Werk. Historikers Vergessener sozialer Bewegungen. Berlins Kramer, 1978.
1068. Rollins, Richard M. "Adin Ballou and the Perfectionist's Dilemma." Journal of Church and State. 17, Autumn 1975, pp. 459-76.
1069. Rothbard, Murray N. "The Spooner-Tucker Doctrines An Economists View." In Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature, and other Essays. Washington, D.C.s Libertarian Review Press, 1974, PP- 129-33.
1070. Sachs, Emanie L. The Terrible Sirens Victoria C. Woodhall, 1838-1927. New Yorks Harper's 1928.
1071. Shaw, George B. The Political Madhouse in America and Nearer Home. London: Constable, 1933.
1072. Shively, Charles. "Option for Freedom in Texas, 1840-1844." Journal of Negro History. 50, April 1965, pp. 77-96.
1073. "Sovereign Individuals - Anarchists Speak About Their Beliefs." Listener. 79, 22 February 1968, pp. 234-35.
1074. Stern, Madeleine B. The Pantarchs A Biography of Stephen Pearl Andrews. Austins University of Texas Press, 1968.
1075. Thomas, Edith. Louise Michel, ou la Velleda de 1'Anarchie. Paris; Gallimard, 1971.
1076. Thomas, John L. "Antislavery and Utopia." In The Anti-slavery Vanguard. Edited by Martin Buberman. Princeton; Princeton University Press, 1965, pp. 240-69.
1077. Thompson, E.P. William Morris: Romantic to Revolutionary. London: Merlin Press, 1974.
1078. Trowbridge, John T. "A Reminiscence of the Pantarch." Independent. 55, 2$, February 1903, pp. 497-501.
1079. Tucker, William R. The Anarcho-Fascism of Robert Brasillach. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975.
1080. Tyler, Alice Felt. "The Hopedale Community." In Freedom's Ferment: Phases of American Social History to i860. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1944, PPĀ« 116-71.
1081. Vallance, Margaret. "Rudolph Rocker - A Biographical Sketch." Journal of Contemporary History. 8, July 1973, pp. 75-95.
1082. Walter, Nicolas. "Daniel Guerin's Anarchism." Anarchy. 94, December 1968, pp. 353-64.
1083. Ward, John William. "Violence, Anarchy, and Alexander Berkman." New York Review of Books. 15, 5 November 1970, pp. 25-30.
1084. White, J.D. "Despotism and Anarchy: The Sociological Thought of L.I. Mechnikov." Slavonic and East European Review. 5U, July 1976, pp. 395-UH.
1085. Widmer, Kingsley. "Marcuse's Allegory." Anarchy. 114, August 1970, pp. 247-53.
1086. __________. "McLuhanism: A Libertarian View." Anarchy. 115, September 1970, pp. 283-89.
1087. Wieck, David. "About Malatesta." Anarchy. U.S. 8, 1971, pp. 25-31.
1088. Wilde, Oscar. The Soul of Man Under Socialism. New Yorks Oriole Chapbooks, 1971.
1089. Wilson, Lewis G. "Hopedale and Its Pounder." New England Magazine. 4, April 1091, pp. 197-212.
1090. Wise, David. "Father of the 30 Stamp." Coronet. 42, August 1957, p.131.
1091. Wish, Harvey. "Stephen Pearl Andrews: American Pioneer Sociologist." Social Forces. 19, May 19U1, PP* U77-82.
1092. Wittke, Carl. The Utopian Communist: A Biography of Wilhelm Weitling. Baton Rouges Louisiana State University Press, 1950.
1093. Woodcock, George. "Chomsky's Anarchism. 1 Freedom. 35, November 197U, pp. U-5,
1094. Wireszin, Michael. "Albert Jay Nock and the Anarchist Elitist Tradition in America." American Quarterly. 21, Summer 1969, pp. 165-89.
1095. __________. The Superfluous Anarchist; Albert Jay Nock. Providence: Brown University Press, 1971.
1096. Yarros, Victor S. "Palladium of Liberty: Trial by Jury." Arena. April 1895, pp. 209-17.
American Anarchists
(Emma Goldman)
1097. "Berkman and Goldman." Outlook. 123, 24 December 1919, pp. 529-30.
1098. Bliss, William D.P., ed. "Goldman, Emma." In New Encyclopedia of Social Reform. New Yorks Funk and Wagnalls, 1910, p.555.
1099. Cook, Cassius V. "San Francisco Echoes." Mother Earth. U, March 1909, pp. 29-30.
1100. Bavenport, John. "Gagging Free Speech." Mother Earth. 8, January 1914, pp. 331-2.
1101. de Cleyre, Voltairine. "Free Speech Fight in Philadelphia." Mother Earth. U, October 1909, pp. 237-9.
1102. __________. "In Defense of Emma Goldman and the Right of Expropriation." In his Selected Works. New Yorks Mother
Earth, 1914, pp. 205-19.
1103. Dell, Floyd. Women as World Builders. Chicago: Forbers, 1913.
1104. Drinnon, Richard. "Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, and the Dream We Hark Back to.*." Anarchy. 114, August 1970, pp. 229-39.
1105. __________. Rebel in Paradises A Biography of Emma Goldman. Chicagos University of Chicago. Press, I96I.
1106. __________ and Anna Maria Drinnon, eds. Nowhere at Homes Letters from Exile of Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman. New Yorks Schocken, 1974.
1107. Edwards, George. "Free Speech in San Diego." Mother Earth. 10, July 1915, pp. 182-5.
1108. "Emma Goldman's Faith." Current Literature. 50, February 1911, pp. 176-8.
1109. Ferguson, Kathy E. "Liberalism and Oppressions Emma Goldman and the Anarchist Feminist Alternative." In Liberalism and the Modern Polity. Michael J. Gargas McGrath. New Yorks Marcel Dekker, 1978, pp. 93-118.
1110. Freeman, Alden. "Protest Meeting at Cooper Union." Mother Earth. I4, July 1909, pp. 146-50.
1111. Goldberg, Harold J. "Goldman and Berkman View the Bolshevik Regime." Slavonic and East European Review. 53, April 1975, pp. 272-76.
1112. Goldman, Emma. Anarchism and Other Essays. New Yorks Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1910.
1113. __________. Anarchy on Trial. New Yorks Mother Earth. " 1917.
1114. __________. "Free Speech and Unpopular Ideas." In The Agitator in American Society. Edited by Charles W. Lomas. \ Englewood Cliffs, NJs Prentice-Hall, 1968, pp. 102-12.
1115. __________. "Letters from Prison." In Little Review Anthology. Edited by Margaret Anderson. New Yorks Hermitage House, 1953, pp. 62-63.
1116. __________. Living My Life. New Yorks Dover, 1970.
1117. __________, ed. Mother Earth Bulletin. New York: 1906-18.
1118. __________. My Disillusionment in Russia. New Yorks Apollo, 1970.
1119. __________. My Further Disillusionment in Russia. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1924.
1120. __________. Red Emma Speaks. New Yorks Random House, 1972
1121. __________. "There is No Communism in Russia." American Mercury. 34, April 1955, pp. 393-401.
1122. __________. The Traffic in Women and Other Essays in Feminism. New York: Times Change Press, 1971.
1123. __________. "Voyage of the Buford." American Mercury. 23, July 1931, pp. 276-86.
1124. __________. "Was My Life Worth Living?" Harper's. 170, December 1934, pp. 52-58.
1125. __________. "Woman Without a Country." In Free Vistas. Edited by Joseph Ishill. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Oriole Press, 1933, pp. 121-35.
1126. Goldsmith, Margaret. Seven Women Against the World. London: Methuen, 1935.
1127. Hapgood, Hutchins. "Emma Goldman's Anarchism." Bookman. 32, February 1911, pp. 639-40.
1128. Harris, Frank. "Emma Goldman, the Famous Anarchist." In Contemporary Portraits. New York: Kennerly, 1915, pp. 223-51. , .
1129. Inglis, Agnes. "Free Speech on the Campus of Ann Arbor." Mother Earth. 11, January 1917, PP- 743-5.
1130. Kern, Robert. "Anarchist Principles and Spanish Reality: Emma Goldman as a Participant in the Civil War 1936-39." Journal of Contemporary History. 11, July 1976, pp. 237-59
1131. Lynn, Kenneth. "Living My Life." In Views of America. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1973, pp. 149-56.
1132. Madison, Charles A. "Emma Goldmans Anarchist Rebel." In Critics and Crusaders. New Yorks Ungar, 1959, PPĀ« 214-37.
1133. Pachter, Henry. "Private Lives of Rebels." Harper's. 251, August 1975, pp. 83-84.
1134. Rich, Andrea and Arthur Smith. Ehetoric of Revolution. Durham, NCs Moore, 1972.
1135. Shulman, Alix. To The Barricades. New Yorks Crowell, 1971.
1136. "Tragedy of the Political Exiles." Nation. 139, 10 October 1934, pp. 401-2.
(Paul Goodman)
1137. Beebee, Paul. "Toward an Anarchistic Conceptual Framework of Alternative Learning Experiences." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Virginia, 1975.
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1165. Ward, Colin. "Ccmunitan Revisitod." Liberation. 7, June 1962, pp. 11-16.
1166. Weiner, Stephen. "Educational Decision in an Ozonized . Anarchy." Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1973.
(Benjamin Tucker)
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1172. Ebner, David. "Benjamin R. Tucker: The Ideology of an Individualist Anarchist in America." Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1968.
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1177. Ingils, Agnes, comp. "Benjamin R. Tucker; Data." Unpublished compilation in the Labadie Collection, University of Michigan.
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(Josiah Warren)
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European Anarchists
(Michael Bakunin)
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1287. Hepner, Benoit P. Bakounine et le Slovisme Revolutionnaire; Cing Essays Sur l'Histoire des Idees en Russie et en Europe. Paris: Mariel Riviere, 1950.
1288. Hodges, Donald Clark. "Bakunin's Controversy with Marx: An Analysis of the Tensions Within Modern Socialism." American Journal of Economics. 19, April i960, pp. 259-74.
1289. Huch, Ricardo Octavia. Michael Bakunin und die Anarchie. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1972.
1290. Hunter, Robert. Violence and the Labor Movement. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914.
1291. Iswolsky, Helene. La Vieda Bakunine. Paris: Gallimand, 1930.
1292. Jeanne-Marie. Michel Bakounines Une vie d'Homme. Paris : Diffusion en France, Librarie Paralleles, 1976.
1293. Jourdain, M. "Mikhail Bakunin." Open Court. 34, October 1920, pp. 591-99.
1294. Kaltenbranner, Gerd-Klaus. "Das Lustprinzip Revolutions Michael Bakunin und der Anarchismus." West und Wahrheit. 25, 1970, pp. 248-65.
1295. Kaminski, Hanns Erich. Michel Bakounine; la vie d'un Revolutionnaire. Paris: Aubier,: 1938.
1296. Kenafich, K.J. Michael Bakunin and Karl Marx. Melbourne: A. Mailer, 1948.
1297. Kennard, Martin P. "Russian Anarchist Visits Boston." New England Quarterly. 15, March 1942, pp. 104-9.
1298. Krusius-Ahrenberg, Lolo. "Bakunin's 'Internationella Broraskap' och afton Bladsradikalismen vid Mitten av 1860-Talet." Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 56, January 1953, pp. 41-74.
1299. Kun, Miklos. "Bakunin and Hungary (1848-1865)." Canadian- American Slavic Studies. 10, Winter 1976, pp. 503-34.
1300. Lavrin, Janko. "Bakunin the Slav and the Rebel." Russian Review. 25, April 1966, pp. 135-49.
1301. Lehning, Arthur. "Bakunin." New Society. 16, 10 September 1970, pp. 450-52.
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1303. ____, comp. Michel Bakounine et ses Relations avec Sergej Necaev, 1870-1872; Ecrits et Materiaux. Paris: Champ Libre, 1977.
1304. Malia, Martin E. Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism, 1812-1855. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961.
1305. Masters, Anthony. Bakunins The Father-of Anarchism. London: Sidgwich and Jackson, 1974, '
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1308. Nomad, Max, pseud. "The Heretic: Michael Bakunin." In Apostles of Revolution. Boston: Little* Brown, and Company, 1939, pp. 1U6-210.
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1315. Prawdin, Michael. The Unmentionable Nechaev. London: Allen and Unwin, 1961.
1316. Pyziur, Eugene. The Doctrine of Anarchism of Michael A. Bakunin. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1955.
1317. Rezneck, Samuel. "Political and Social Theory of Michael Bakunin." American Political Science Review. 21, May 1927, pp. 270-96.
1318. Russell, Bertrand R. "Bakunin and Anarchism." In his Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism, and Syndicalism, London: Allen and Unwin, 1919, pp. 32-55.
1319. Scherer, John Lowell. "The Myth of the 'Alienated' Russian Intellectuals Michael Bakunin, Aleksei Khomyakov, Vissarion Belinsky, Nikolai Stankevich, Alexander Herzen." Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, 1968.
1320. Senese, Donald L. "Bakunin's Last Disciple: Sergei Kravchinskii." Canadian-American Slavic Studies. 10, Winter, 1976, pp. 570-76.
1321. Steklov, Illrii Mikhailovich. Michael Bakunin; Ein Lebensbild. Stuttgart: J.H.W, dietz Nachf, 1913,
1322. Varlamoy, V. Bakunin and the Russian Jacobins and Blangists as Evaluated by Soviet Historiography. Translated by Lois Weinert. New York: Research Program on the U.S.S.R., 1955.
1323. Venturi, Franco. "Bakunin," and "Bakunin and Lavrov." In his Roots of Revolution: A History of the Populist and Socialist Movements in Nineteenth Century Russia. Translated by Francis Haskeill. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, i960, pp. 36-63,429-69.
1324. Voegelin, Eric. "Bakunin: The Anarchist." In his From Enlightenment to Revolution. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1975, pp.217-39.
1325. __________. "Bakunin's Confession." Journal of Politics. 8, February 1946, pp. 24-43.
1326. Wilson, Edmund. "Historical Actors: Bakunin." In his To the Finland Station. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1940, pp. 260-87.
1327. __________. "Marx, Engels and Bakunin." In Readings for Opinion. Edited by Earle Davis and William Hummel. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, I960, pp. 382-86.
1328. Witthop, Justus Franz. Mikhail A. Bakunin in Selbst- Zengnissen und Bilddokumenten. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1974.
1329. Wohl, Robert. "Bakunin, Mikhail A." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Edited by David L. Sills. New York: Crowell Collier and Macmillan, 1968, vol. I, pp. 505-6.
1330. Woodcock, George. "Bakunin, Michael." In Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edited by Paul Edwards. New York: Macmillan* 1967, pp. 244-46, vol. I.
1331. __________. "Bakunin: The Destructive Urge." History Today. 11, July 1961, pp. 469-78.
1332. Bakunin, Mikhail. "Bakunin and Nechayev: An Unpublished Letter." Edited by M. Confine. Encounter. 39, July 1972, pp. 81-91 and 39, August 1972., pp. 85-93.
1333. __________. Bakunin On Anarchy. Edited by Sam Dolgoff. New York: Knopf, 1972.
1334. __________. Bakunin's Writings. Edited by Guy Alfred. New York: Gordon Press, 1973.
1335. __________. The Confession of Michael Bakunin; With the Marginal Comments of Tsar Nicholas I. Translated by Robert C. Howes. Ithaca,, NY: Cornell University Press, 1977.
1336. __________. God and the State. New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1916.
1337. __________. Marxism, Freedom and the State. Edited by K.J. Kenafick. London: Freedom Press, 1950.
1338. __________. Oeuvres. Paris: Stock, 1910-1922, 6 vols.
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1340. __________. Selected Writings. Edited by Arthur Lehning. London: Jonathan Cape, 1973.
(William Godwin)
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(Peter Kropotkin)
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(Pierre-Joseph Proudhon)
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