April Carter, The Political Theory of Anarchism, 1971. Suggestions for further readingA number of introductory books on anarchism have recently appeared in paperback: George Woodcock, Anarchism, Penguin Books Irving L. Horowitz, (ed.), The Anarchists, Dell Publishing Co. Leonard I. Krimerman and Lewis Perry, (eds.), Patterns of Anarchy, Doubleday Many of the writings of anarchist theorists have not been translated into English, or are out of print. However, the following are available in paperback: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Selected Writings of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (ed. Stewart Edwards), Macmillan Michael Bakunin, The Political Philosophy of Bakunin (ed. G. P. Maximoff), The Free Press of Glencoe Peter Kropotkin, Memoirs of a Revolutionist, Dover Books Leo Tolstoy, Tolstoy's Writings on Civil Disobedience and Nonviolence, Signet Books The best recent book on anarchism is Daniel Guerin's Anarchism: From Theory to Practice, Monthly Review Press. The English translation appeared in 1970, with an Introduction by Noam Chomsky. A generally interesting analysis of the anarchist content of current left-wing movements is provided by an issue of Government and Opposition edited by James Joll: Anarchism Today', Government and Opposition, Vol. 5, No. 4, Autumn 1970. This issue includes a helpful survey of the literature on anarchism. One of the best guides to literature being published, and to anarchist theory past and present is the monthly journal Anarchy, published by Freedom Press, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London, E.i.
BibliographyAnarchy, Freedom Press, No. 98 (April 1969) No. 91 (September 1968), No. 94 (December 1968) No. 96 (February 1969) Arendt, Hannah, (1959), The Human Condition, Doubleday, Anchor Books, New York Arendt, Hannah, (1963), On Revolution, Faber and Faber Arendt, Hannah, (1958), The Origins of Totalitarianism, Allen & Unwin Arendt, Hannah, 'Truth and Polities', Philosophy, Politics and Society, Third Series (eds. P. Laslett and W. G. Runciman), (1967), Basil Blackwell Bakunin, Michael, (circa 1915), God and the State, Mother Earth Publishing Association, New York Bakunin, Michael, (1950), Marxism, Freedom and the State, (ed. K. J. Kenafick), Freedom Press Bakunin, Michael, (1964), The Political Philosophy of Bakunin, (ed. G. P. Maximoff), The Free Press of Glencoe, Free Press Paperbacks, New York Baldwin, James, (1965), Notes of a Native Son, Corgi Books Barker, Ernest, (1951), Principles of Social and Political Theory, Oxford University Press Paperbacks Bendix, Reinhard, (1966), Max Weber, Methuen University Paperbacks Berkman, Alexander, (1964), ABC of Anarchism, Freedom Press Berkman, Alexander, (1925), The Bolshevik Myth, Hutchinson Bognar, Joszef, 'Gandhi's Hundredth Birthday', The New Hungarian Quarterly, Vol. XI, No. 37, (Spring 1970) Bramstedt, E. K., (1945), Dictatorship and Political Police, Kegan Paul, Trench and Trubner Brenan, Gerald, (1967), The Spanish Labyrinth, Cambridge University Press Paperbacks Buber, Martin, (1949), Paths in Utopia, Routledge & Kegan Paul Buber, Martin, (1957), Pointing the Way, Routledge & Kegan Paul Camus, Albert, (1962), The Rebel, Penguin Books Cole, G. D. H., (1961), A History of Socialist Thought, vols. 1-5, Macmillan Coltman, Irene, (1962), Private Men and Public Causes, Faber & Faber Comfort, Alex, (1946), Art and Social Responsibility, Falcon Press Comfort, Alex, (1950), Authority and Delinquency in the Modern State, Routledge & Kegan Paul Crick, Bernard, (1964), In Defence of Politics, Penguin Books De Jouvenel, Bertrand, (1948), Power, Hutchinson & Co. De Jouvenel, Bertrand, (1963), The Pure Theory of Politics, Cambridge University Press De Mauny, Erik, (1969), Russian Prospect, Macmillan De Tocqueville, Alexis, (1951), Democracy in America, 2 vols., Alfred A. Knopf, New York De Tocqueville, Alexis, (1955), The Old Regime and the French Revolution, Doubleday, Anchor Books, New York Drinnon, Richard, (1961), Rebel in Paradise, University of Chicago Press Durkheim, Emile, (1962), Socialism, Collier Books, New York Eltzbacher, Paul, (1960), Anarchism, Freedom Press Feuerbach, Ludwig, (1957), The Essence of Christianity, Harper Torchbooks, New York Godwin, William, (1946), Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, 2 vols., University of Toronto Press Godwin, William, (1949), Political Justice: A Reprint of the Essays on Property (ed, H. S. Salt), Allen & Unwin Goldman, Emma, (undated), Anarchism and Other Essays, Modern Publishers, Indore, India Goldman, Emma, (1925), My Disillusionment with Russia, C. W. Daniel Goodman, Paul, (1962), Drawing the Line, Random House, New York Goodman, Paul, (1965), People or Personnel, Random House, New York Goodman, Paul, (1964), Utopian Essays and Practical Proposals, Vintage Books, New York Goodman, Paul and Percival, (1960), Communitas, Vintage Books, New York Grindrod, Muriel, (1968), Italy, Ernest Benn Guerin, Daniel, (1965), l'Anarchisme, Gallimard, Paris Hobbes, Thomas, (i960), Leviathan, (ed. Michael Oakeshott), Basil Blackwell Hobsbawm, Eric (1969), Bandits, Weidenfeld & Nicolson Lolakowski, Leszek, (1969), Marxism and Beyond, Pall Mall Press Kropotkin, P., (1896), Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal, Freedom Press Kropotkin, P., (1968), The Conquest of Bread, Benjamin Blom, New York and London Kropotkin, P., (1895), The Commune of Paris, Freedom Press Kropotkin, P., (1901), Fields, Factories and Workshops, Swan Sonnenschein Kropotkin, P., (1886), Law and Authority, International Publishing Co. Kropotkin, P., (1906), Memoirs of a Revolutionist, Swan Sonnenschein Kropotkin, P., (1923), Modern Science and Anarchism, Freedom Press Kropotkin, P., (1946), The State: Its Historic Role, Freedom Press Landauer, Gustav, (1896), Social Democracy in Germany, published at 127 Ossulston Street, London Lavrin, Janko, (1948), Tolstoy: An Approach, Methuen Lenin, V. I., (undated), The State and Revolution, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow Lenin, V. I., (undated), What Is To Be Done? Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow Lukacs, Georg, (1964), Essays on Thomas Mann, Merlin Press Malatesta, Errico, (1965), Errico Malatesta: His Life and Ideas (ed. Vernon Richards), Freedom Press Marx, Karl, and Engels, Frederick, (1965), The German Ideology, Lawrence & Wishart Marx, Karl, and Engels, Frederick, (undated), Selected Correspondence, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow Marx, Karl, and Engels, Frederick, (1968), Selected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow Maxwell, Gavin, (1959) The Ten Pains of Death, Longmans McDermott, John, 'Knowledge is Power', The Nation, Vol. 208, No. 15 (14 April 1969) Molnar, George, 'The Anarchist Past', Anarchy, No. 28 (June 1963) Morris, William, (1968), William Morris: Selected Writings and Designs (ed. Asa Briggs), Penguin Books Morton, H. W., 'Randolph Bourne vs the State', Anarchy, No. 31 (September 1963) Nomad, Max, (1939), Apostles of Revolution, Seeker & Warburg Oakeshott, Michael, (1967), Rationalism in Politics, Methuen Ortega y Gasset, Jose, (1961), The Revolt of the Masses, Allen & Unwin, Unwin Books Orwell, George, (1964), Homage to Catalonia, Penguin Books Orwell, George, 'Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool', Inside the Whale and Other Essays, (1962), Penguin Books Ostergaard, Geoffrey, 'The Relevance of Syndicalism', Anarchy, No. 28 (June 1963) Presthus, Robert, 'The Social Dysfunctions of Organization', The Anarchists, (ed. Irving L. Horowitz), (1964), Dell Publishing Co., New York Proudhon, P.-J., (1863), Du Principe Federatif, E. 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Krimerman and Lewis Perry), (1966), Doubleday, Anchor Books, New York Ward, Colin, 'The State and Society', Anarchy, No. 14 (April 1962) Whitaker, Ben, (1964), The Police, Penguin Books Wilde, Oscar, (1912), The Soul of Man under Socialism, Arthur L. Humphreys Williams, Philip, (1954), Politics in Post-War France, Longmans, Green &Co. Wise, David, and Ross, Thomas B., (1965), The Invisible Government, Jonathan Cape Woodcock, George, (1963), Anarchism, Penguin Books |